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File: 1690661789953.png (6.28 KB, 504x84, scrot_2023-07-29_22:16:20.png)ImgOps

 7Locked[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

when was the last time you rebooted your computer, soyteens?
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the cog i blocked spins around entirely in about an hour or so, i just had to glue it in place and tape it to the wall so it lifts the cog and allows the other one to rotate freely without actually flipping the numbers on the counter, i only do this for 3/4 of the year though because it would be suspicious if i suddenly consumed less electricity than normally
its in my basement albeit


Then take a picture of your power meter in your Boostedt basement.


now this is a schizophrenic gem


kek thats where the isp of my residential proxy is located, i live on the other side of the country
im NOT taking a picture of my power meter, glownigger


Moved to >>>/sci/12738.

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