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/health/ - Healthy Living

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New sex 'toss
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you could hurt your penis with this


dick chopper 9000


How do I buy this


Kurono: Everyone, grab a gun if you want to come back alive!

The guns in question:



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I should buy a salt cube and lick it every time I drink lots of water, I’m clearly overhydrated and keep loosing salt content


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just eat this shit so you get enough potassium, helps for getting magnesium too,https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BM516ZY2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

also use "Grey celtic sea salt" like picrel it has extra minerals, and it tastes heavenly.


Good advice, electrolyte imbalances are very common in this summer heat

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Are premier protein shakes any good for you? I used to drink one once a week, but i just got the ick! and stopped consooming it.
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I dunno I only buy the cheap $20 protein powder from walmart, protein powder quality is not that necessary if you train hard and eat enough, maybe it matters if you don't want protein farts or something.


Protein powder quality is kinda important because if you get a really shitty one it'll literally just be taurine powder


Thanks for the input, then Premier protein is a good choice to get the protein intakes i need?



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i mean, you're getting your protein, but you're also getting this shit that may cause cancer like "Folic Acid" and "Sunflower Oil" and god knows what other things are listed, hopefully not preservatives/gums or some other shit that fucks up the liver and stomach

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>you WILL NOT use screens 30 minutes before bed
>you WILL go to bed at a consistent time
>you WILL sleep in total darkness
>you WILL keep your bedroom cool
>you WILL NOT eat before bed
>you WILL sleep tight


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i transheart being nocturnal and using my infrared light panel doe instead of sleeping like a regular normal person doe

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Is it ok to take melatonin everyday? my sleep schedule is really fucked (going to bed at 2 ~ 4am), I tried going to bed early like 9 or 10pm but that only results in me taking like 2 hours to fall asleep just to wake up feeling like shit.
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>yeah, but you should only take 300mcg (which is equal to 0.3mg). If they only have 1mg at the store then get that and then cut them tablets
in half.
The lowest dose I could get on my hands are 3 mg and I can't cut them in half cuz they're pills instead of tablets
Also thanks for the infrared panek thingy, I'll try to look for some online


Unironically, no. Melatonin can screw you up overtime. That’s why places like trader joes don’t sell melatonin bottles anymore. Drink chamomile tea instead. They don’t cost very much.


just be slightly careful if ordering from china or random vendors because a lot of the listings do not have the actual LED strength listed.

going by model number/brand is probably a safer option, like this one from the video


yea, OP if you want to try pills then you might have better luck with a simple Lemon Balm supplement or CalmAid (a lavender oil extract). Tea works fine too.


niggaz who take melatonin are the same type of niggaz who think squirt isn't pee

dumb asses

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What do I need to do to look like this?
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Narcissism neuroticism and roids


So, if I take roids I will look like this?




How do I look like this?


I want to look like this, what should I do to achieve this?

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Books to read:
easypeasymethod , porn addiction curing
How to win friends and influence people , Social skills book
Deep Work
The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Man
American Psycho because the novel might as well be a guide to mans grooming
The C programming language
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wrong, just extremely autistic


File: 1691804257603-0.pdf (384.47 KB, Hegel Phenomenal Spirit.pdf)

File: 1691804257603-1.pdf (790.39 KB, The Ego and It's Own.pdf)

Read this or whatever


Did you read them yet


Thanks for this gem OP. We need more people like you in this world.


File: 1691968677922.pdf (4.25 MB, Forbidden-Health-by-Andrea….pdf)

unironically important /health/ book

explains how to cure cancer/covid/autism using chlorine dioxide (biosynthesizes into chlorite in the body). Basically like hydrogen peroxide.

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Is Coffee healthy for you?


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>coffee nerd


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>>coffee nerd


yea as long as its not filled with chemicals or pesticide or some shit

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does finasteride prevent further loss? and how does gooning cause hair loss?
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be aware finasteride has a 2% chance of making you infertile


Well worth the risk.
Being bald is statistically proven to make you more unhappy than normal men


Not how that works


I’m in NYC and once walked by a homeless guy on the street who was 50+ years old, looked to be maybe 110-120 lbs and was shooting up heroin and he had a NW0 hairline and thick dense hair. I feel bad for the guy but kind of glad I walked by him because It reminded me that it doesn’t matter what your diet is, how clean or dirty you are or if you smoke or drink or do other drugs. It’s all in your genes if you lose your hair hair or not, everything else is cope.


gooning causes stress and decreases testosterone, both cause hairloss

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is it gay or bisexual to wear tight clothes in the gym


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extremely 'ay, this is the only 'roper 'ym wear


just start an onlyfans already, bisexual teen.


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no but it makes you an endurance athlete who are gay and bisexual by definition
>t. recovering endurance athlete


Autistic virgin clothes.

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