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/health/ - Healthy Living

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i just cooked a pancake in the microwave fro breakfast
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disgusting. kys retard


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>i just cooked a pancake in the microwave fro breakfast


It doesn't look too good I'll be honest, what's the book though?


a botanist's vocabuary. a comprehensive glossary of botanical words

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Is green tea good for you?
16 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You WILL drink green tea
You WILL drink espresso
You WILL decalcify your pineal gland
You WILL stop smoking and drinking alcohol, if you do either of those
You WILL stop wanking, if you do that
You WILL attain enlightenment
You WILL wage psychic war on yaldabaoth and his archons


…Or not, but if you want motivation to do any of those things, don't just go "I plan on decalcifying my pineal gland", no, you say "I WILL decalcify my pineal gland"


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>pineal gland
Please explain what that even is to a retard like me please.


place where spiritual chemicals like DMT come out of your brain but it doesn't work in retard normal cattles because they drank too much fluoride


That and it releases melatonin when you go to sleep so if you decalcify your pineal gland your sleep will improve too

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Go soy-free or you're picrel

Read every ingredients label, anything that has soy in it, reject it.
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Holy schizoerald


wtf is this schizo shit? MSG is bad because it has glutamate, a neurotoxin


If the schizos cut out goyslop because they think it connects you to yaldabaoth then why stop them from cutting out goyslop?


Just ate food cooked in pure soybean oil and theres nothing you can do about it because id beat the shit out of you.


Would you, now?

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I used to lurk on imageboards all the time 10+ years ago, then intermittedly around 2015-2017, and I was doing so well not using them until I discovered the 'rty and it all fell apart.
I've been here 12+ hours a day every day since I found the site, mostly because it constantly makes fun of everything I hated about chans and "board culture".
How to stop?
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Shit not adding up bruh…nigger btw


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hope for it to get better


i diagnose you with autism


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We need our own version of GNU schizo. The only equivalent would be a Ray Peat follower though.


Nobody is that much of a health freak, or has ‘p stored


https://raypeatforum.com/ even doe it kinda boils down toward biochem.


im capable of doing it but i don't have the energy of the sheer amount of autism required for consistency


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mental health 'toss
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fixed your shitty meme


SOVL >>616
Soulless >>816


Glistening gem ruined by calling xem woj-AKS!


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I have OCD but I always imagined my inner voices telling me to do stuff as trannies

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cure for looking like this?


Lethal injection


not using /health/ and going to the gym


b-but i like to larp as a /fit/ guy!


actually made me laugh thank you


Taking some good showers

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stop being fat faggots you fucking losers


make me

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