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/health/ - Healthy Living

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Do any 'teens have a skincare routine
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dr Bronner's soap


nope, i just wash my face with shampoo and thats it


i wash my face with water, spray some minoxidil hoping that i won't look like a soyjak, and that's it, that's all


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Maybe what your washing your face with is to chemically harsh or to oily? That or you should just use moisturizer and sunscreen more often I guess.


I just use normal soap but yeah I have to implement those 2 things. I'm just lazy since I barely go outside anyway

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How do I become 2 meters tall
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become 4 meters tall and chop yourself in half


get better genes


sew platform shoes to your feet


semen retention


kill people with rocks

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I like leaving slices and wedges of cheese around my desk for a few days to eat them later
it gives them a nice smokey flavour (I smoke a lot of cigarettes inside)


no I dont

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What do you guys do for your hair? I've grown out my hair a smidge and I want to know where to go next with it and what I should put in it. My dream is to achieve a Jefferson cut


I look like a soyjak





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at this point I've completely given up on even attempting nofap no matter how much i hate myself for cooming every time i try i fail what can i do to stop myself?
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If you must give in a fap just use your imagination or something. DONT look at P*rn.


here's the key :
dont watch videos revolving around porn
only fap to images
wanking every 3 day/every once a week helps too don't give up on fapping
it aint unhealthy by itself




keep yourself busy and do fun stuff. Ik it's hard but It's worth it


Show the hexagon storm on the north pole of Saturn to a furry. Say "Does it look familiar to you? It's a blue hexagon."

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>/Peat/ - Healthy Living




trve /health/nuts know dermastamp is superior

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I'm attempting to quit caffeine.


people get addicted to caffeine?


i stopped drinking any caffeine for 6 months and when i drank a cup again i felt high nigger pie

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healthiest linux user


Big chungus

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is mcdonald's good for you



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>milk is good for you or something


No one wants to look like the 3rd


except for me, I look like that




So autistic how these types choose one item of food to obsess over and worship


Whole milk makes you strong as fuck, you will literally see yourself growing every day

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