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/health/ - Healthy Living

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In the last two years I have changed radically, both in my eating habits and therefore also in my body: I eat junk food once every 4-5 months, I stopped drinking barley for 3 months and replaced it with milk and sometimes a week I do a little jump rope (no, the jump is of the legs and not the neck, I'm not trans) or a couple of hours of slow jogging in some park. Compared to me 1 year ago, I've lost a lot of weight and some muscles are starting to appear slightly on my arms (photo from my grandmother's bathroom). Since I recently bought a couple of weights and since I literally have an Aryan face (soyjak below) should I train more to lose weight and make me more muscles?


you are built for BBC


nice child bearing hips id fuck the shit out of you


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Great to hear that you're getting stronger. You don't look very heavy so you shouldn't try to lose weight yet. Just keep bulking for now.


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Thanks man

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If I were to eat him would it be healthy
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They're limes dumbass


all citrus


please don't eat him


Since he would be conscience while eating him, he would probably be very stressed and generate a lot of cortisol, which will be passed onto you. I wouldn’t advise to eat him.


Conscious* I hate phone posting

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Well 'teens, is xhe healthy?


Lards actually believe this

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Remember to take creatine and always eat enough proteins


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creatine makes my face puffy
even if my body fat is low it still make my face puffy


How much Creatine should I take a day? 5'9 126 pounds


about 5 grams

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i ate 2 ice creams
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ice cream SUCKS


I very much like ice cream. Healthy and good for bulking.


how its healthy doe


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Idk dairy is aryan or something

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mmmmmmmm beer
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beer in excess amounts is unhealthy though


>excessive amounts
is there any other way?


not if you're a weak willed fag


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>mmmmmmmm beer


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>not if you're a weak willed fag
yum i like beer

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>is coffee good for you?
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Coffee bad because I don't like it so it's objectively bad


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>Coffee bad because I don't like it so it's objectively bad




coffee makes you not grow at all. including ur penis


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Is nigger weed healthy?


No, it rots your brain if you're underage, which most of this site are




nigger weed LOST


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everyone I know who uses pocweed irl is braidead/spaced out constantly at best


The irony of an ESL tard calling someone else braindead. KEK!

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