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/pol/ - Politics

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how does this video makes you feel twp’s?


it makes my BBC twitch


culturally enriched




das me bruh


TBP, cant even compare to a BWC (too small)

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 63323[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just making this thread in case shit goes down
137 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Macron is literally a former Rothschild banker, France is a ZOG entity that is subordinated to the American ZOG. Therefore, supporting Niger and all the other African countries getting rid of the French/Jewmerican presence is objectively the correct stance on the matter.


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>another day thanking god i wasn't born a nigger


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>I remember in 8th grade a black kid saw a world map and pointed to Niger and then screamed nigger until the teacher told him to stop or however the pink slime is cooked


Self determination of all people's, CHUD



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Attention Fascists of soyjak.party: YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE
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Learn how to dotspam retarded monkey


National Socialists are not fascists. Italy is more associated with Fascism.


seems you know a lot about fascism and nazism 🤔


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new stonetoss political cartoon
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im trans btw


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>nyaaaa all whitebois should submit to the Black man and his superior BBC~~


she's right


Who stole my "makeitmeme* meme


Lame shill faggot do better next time

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Today there are elections in my country (Arg) and I am going to put this on the ballot, wish me luck
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is not the same schizophrenic moron from soybooru
>both countries are white
italy yes, but argentina not
the majority of argentinians are just light skinned mestizos, his country
have some pure europeans probably 11 or 10 millions or less than 10 millions and they still being a minority in his own country(argetina have a population of more than 40 millions), mostly of argetinians mestizos are lighted skinned mestizos and the other small part are brown skinned or non lighted skin mestizos, but both are mestizos
i say this as a non white albeit, same to my country mostly of his population are mestizos but unlike argentina mostly or more than the half population are brown skinned mestizos(or non lightskinned) and lightskinned mestizos are less and some like a minority, im a light skinned mestizo spic unlike the majority of persons in my cunt, im the same guy from /int/ btw


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Good luck, argentino bros


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redpill me on this guy
is he an american puppet or is he keyed?



On one part he shills for the jews, and his idea of dollarization is just to make argentina more dependent on the US, kinda like a vasall state.

On the other hand, he is anti-marxist, wants to get rid of all the feminist-LGBT pro abortion and gender ideology propaganda.
He also wants to give more power to the police to fight crime and give us free possession of arms for self defense. And he is an economist so i suppose he will handle things well.

Overall he seems to be a fanatic of the US model, and mosts of his proporsals are imitating what the US has to get rid of our problems, it may be a fetish or he may be unto something.


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This image is all you need

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>sieg heil! AfD is the biggest party in jermany now! Sieg heil you will hear horst wessel lied on the streets soon! We are so back sieg heil sieg heil victoria
<you vill hear ze horst wessel lied even thoughsoever AfD dislikes third reich for ruining jermany
>fuck off kike shill
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Swedejak would never say that THOUGH


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>Achualy it is only real right wing extremism if they kill ppl I don't like or however the furer killed himself like a tranny


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>>sieg heil! AfD is the biggest party in jermany now! Sieg heil you will hear horst wessel lied on the streets soon! We are so back sieg heil sieg heil victoria
<<you vill hear ze horst wessel lied even thoughsoever AfD dislikes third reich for ruining jermany
>>fuck off kike shill


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sprichinverdammtemenglisch, nigger



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Why do tranime 4cuck posters all think the nazis didn't kill the jews and it was unintentional?
They knew far ahead of time Poland would be invaded by the Soviets and lose all supplies. Yet all of the death camps are there
If you're upset about a /pol/ related question even doe it mocks current 4cuck /pol/troons move the thread instead of deleting it
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


You know. I do not understand why no one talks about other victims of Holocaust.


Woah the camps for Polish prisoners were in Poland? That's crazy


Well maybe watch the video you uploaded and check the sources. The thing is the information proving it's falseness is out there, it's BEEN out there, but people for some reason really want the holocaust to be true. Just admit you've been had, or stay a goy slave.


Theh are cucks, as simple as that


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All of this is literally just copied from the killer bean dancing video but overlayed over k-on instead i hate tranime watchers so much

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high caliber bombs only allowed itt
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so i guess whites and blacks can finally agree that total jewish death is needed


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absolutely semite propaganda


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total and utter semite propaganda


even though this is a leftist lie that was a debunked

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‘p dont click

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how will he be remembered?


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He defeated isis and gave us free visas or something


They're gonna write him as some villain who tried to coup the us or something


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wtf he's right on each point


two scoops

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