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/pol/ - Politics

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LOL hohol moment




Woah that's cool.


That poor piggy was screaming for its mommy. You find this funny?



what is a holhol? is that the russian or the ukrainians?

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is sanmta claues reale?
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Nate higgers


he's true


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>file deleted


basically it was how infants get circumcised in USA. a bloody red small penis with some facts


It was bloody babby penis

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The idea that the Nazis and Trannies are the same thing is an absolute psyop.

Nazi ideology, during the ONLY time it was effectively tried, was able to bring Germany on equal footing with the rest of the civilized world and hold it's own against French, British, Russian, American might (combined) and all of their colonies. Preach about your disdain for it, I'm a libertaryan, the last thing I want is for Nazis to take over. But it was extremely effective and it brought Germany to punch WELL above it's own weight militarily and economically for the better part of a decade.

The comparison of this to Transgenderism is completely retarded. Transgenderism is a mental illness that sprouts in low T, consoomerist retards who more often than not lean left. I'm not saying the type of person who would be a tranny or a chud is any worse modern day, but Transgenderism is something that will NEVER work, and National-Socialism, although exclusionary and totalitarian (which I don't personally agree with) is an ideology that should at least be considered.
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"degenerate" would inevitably slowly be subverted. in fact, it's already happened. having the standard at all gives large nose people a chance to subvert it.
><space colonialism
childish soy ideology that means nothing for 99.9999% of the population other than tax hikes. kys


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>childish soy ideology that means nothing for 99.9999% of the population other than tax hikes. kys


flag checks out


It's a meme spouted by oldcucks and enlightened centrists. Don't take the internet so seriously

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What are the political consequences of hood rappers turning gay for clout?
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the american export is primarily homos, mass immigration and processed food ideology


>yet another black boi transitioning for the WNWO
the moroccan cuck will never recover from this



good buck about to become a slave for my BWC


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Some locals seem to be fed up with ZOG in Pcola.


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I'd bet good money that the brick was thrown by a Jew.

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Leftists now and leftists back then were completely different breeds of people. If you were to put Karl Marx here in the 21st century for example, he would be hated so much by modern leftists for his stance on women or niggers or Jews, in general, he would be viewed as a chud. And in fact everyone back then regardless of political affiliation, would be viewed as a chud nowadays.

So what changed? What made leftists.. soyboys?


>implying 19th and 20th century leftism is le good


19th century is different from 20th or 21st

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When did the Jewish Kabbal to genocide their rivals and rule over a shitskin slave horde begin/form? It seems to me they really did not even have much time you're telling me they mixed with high tier europeans even though they're diaspora shitskins and then due to being isolated selected for IQ on accident and THEN also formulated world domination?

seems like such a short time frame?


All of the shit that we have now started around the end of the 18th century with the French and American (((revolutions)))


With these two events the two main institutions that prevented the spread of Jewish control and degeneracy, mainly the Church and various monarchies, started to wither and die. With the onset of industrialization, these previously mentioned institutions couldn't prevent (((them))) from using naive people to amass massive wealth, both through banks (which also around this time become much more prominent than before), but also simply though monopolies which till exist in one form or another. The ideas such as, but not limited to nationalism, liberalism, democracy which started to spread around the same time also allowed (((them))) to push for wars to further enrich themselves.

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>kill yourself obsessed faggot
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>>kill yourself obsessed faggot





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>kill yourself obsessed faggot



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