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The aryan spirit is indestructible
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>Built for BBC


monkey mechanic?


I am not reading all of that


I do not under stand Gnosticism

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>Charlie hebdo
>2015 bombings
>Syrian stabbing kids
>terror attacks i cant be assed to name
>that teacher that was beheaded
<isolated incidents da wholesome neegerr is gud
<no riots
>one immigrant shot dead
>retirement age made a few years longer
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tomato tomato




Algerians are descended from the arab version of buck breaking, they are niggers.


frenchies raging like autists burning the country down after a slight inconvenience is enough to tell everyone about the intelligence and maturity of the average french person


i hate my country and im disappointed in its leadership
hopefully marine le pen will win next time

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Me on the left when Putin raises the maximum age for mobilization
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>continuing hitler's legacy of killing russians is… LE REDDIT


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>hitler’s legacy


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>>hitler’s legacy


wait until you find out what their plans were for kiew


Just felt like reminding you

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/POL/ska, polska gurom, polska gurom!!!!!!!!!!!!! gurom polska!!!!


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But we didn't listen.


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>He tried to warn us
>But we didn't listen.




Not enough melanin

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goyim its over…
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yeah goybros i think it's over


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Are polititards finally going to shut up once Trump is out?


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frizzy gorgeous required infamous natural vengeful trivial unique extremely dog hurricane enhance think throw clothe slay go




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lets hope so…


Sorry Gabu chan, it will only make things worse.

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Wh-what is this place?
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Stop using 4pol it's all bots


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>brown proxyfag
>hating on aryanzellig
many such cases


Ongezellig is transcore btw




>what is this place?
<where all the meme magic went to

don't fuck it up like a liberal moving to a red state pls. if you actually lurked 4cuck pol 2 years before posting you'll probably catch on

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kike warcrimes


Holy based what is the party's stance on Israel

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