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oy vey why is Destiny suddenly asking spicy questions in his twitter?


Kill yourself you shitalian nigger


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They cry and whine like soynheimers who have dropped the bomb not on a white folks but on an Asian one. This is one of the confirmations that we hate each other, and for this we are heading towards a rapid decline. Power of Jewish psyops

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Jew biden
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Im still here


Biden won doe


First Zionist Congress won (do not research)


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Jew Brandon

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 63600[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post any sharty culture gems (jewish coal is not sharty culture)
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bumping this gemmy thread as a reminder that there are jews amongst the jannies


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Fuck both trannies and chudcels




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MFW someone says he hates America
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Exactly, a lot of (((them))) are red haired because (((they))) love the massive goyim cocks, not the tiny (((curcumsiced))) peckers


>Even though king david had red hair




In hebrew red and brown are the same color. He wuz a brown haired shemite like many palestinians (read: jewish cousins) look like today,



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>i am 16 and i masturbate to loli and i like hitler and ww2


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Sounds based doe


The supreme race genes are already showing in you chud


nigger shart




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 60224[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Yeah, don't listen to those LOONY BLUE-HAIRED JOOISH DISCORD TROONS who rightfully believe that all white women are destined to become snowbunnies and all ytbois toilet slaves to the BNWO! You're stronger than you think! Never mind how ytbois have the weakest genetics and the tiniest peckers out of any race on average and will never appease any white women thus rendering all ytbois genetic dead-ends to the superior BBC! We're all in this together, FELLOW SOYJACK BROS!
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I don't look like you.


the 'sharty is right wing doe


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xerm… you're indian? 😂😂😂


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i jerked it to this gif

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Thoughts? About to go on a walk, I hope to see an ominous femjak of the cop depicting these events when I come back
Just look up New Yorkshire police autistic girl
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british women are beat


Britain what has happened to you


Yea. An Indian for example.


He set himself up for that


>cop is insulted by being accused of being a lesbian
>arrests the insulter
>this is woke somehow

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they beheaded a nigger baby
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Fuck you karepool


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The doctor in question


one step closer to TND


bcbbbbcc bbbcbcbbcbb


Be the change you want to see in the world

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Jews want us to breed because that means more live stock for them. Goyim means cattle. They see us as livestock. You can have kids, but they will be absorbed into society and become gay or not their natural gender or some other abomination.

You need to worry about society they will grow up in BEFORE you have kids because once you have kids you are just perpetuating the system
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Moroccan trvth nuke AGAIN
You are a honorary aryan at this rate


you're all aware there are a mere 20 million jews world wide and of that amount only 40-50% are asheknazi "white" jews right?
8 billion people world wide
Jews will go extinct far far before anyone except eskimos and native americans


jews are smart and marry only among themselves though


thats not true actually. their american dispora are victims of race mixing at the exact same rate as whites
also israel is below replacement rate


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stonetoss's latest comic
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I'd shit in both of their mouths


both somewhat human


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>even though


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tranny meme


kill all glowniggers

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