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/pol/ - Politics

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how can a man be so based?


Cancelling is dead now


Elon should add "cancel" button to Xcom

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Why are Jews losing?
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Jews like Weinstein, Epstein, Kohberger, and Heuermann are being arrested and charged with serious crimes. Why are the Jews starting to lose?


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You’re an evil failtard namenigger that always breaks the rules of this website but you still don’t get banned, so that’s not true.


Not really a surprise autists gets looked down on when the functioning ones thats sometimes just bad socially gets grouped together with the 70 iq useless drooling retards.


Why do we HeBrews keep winning


you jews are the scum of earth, you are doomed and you won't get away with it

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YouTube video with 1.7 million views but only 8 comments.

Why does this keep happening?




They have it set to only show comments they personally approve

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fact checked and peer reviewed albeit


>muh bad angle
lmao cope nigger


ayran slavGOD w

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punch nazis
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That really destroyed a nerve of a projecting faggot, huh? Also, nice fail with 2 meme arrows.


Even doe vienna is in austria


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>punch nazis
>won’t fight a fat, washed up sam hyde
Put your money where your mouth is pretty boy


thought that was the austriuan flag doesnt matter tho
thats still a tranny


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>>>That really destroyed a nerve of a projecting faggot, huh? Also, nice fail with 2 meme arrows.

paki nigger living off taxpayer's money typed this

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Why are indians like this


In ww2, many volunteers from india fought with the germans, so that they could indirectly fight the brits(their colonisers)

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Where is the borsche thread, I have found a memerino specifically for it


>russian soup vs oinkrainian soup

What is that though, is it tomato? Didn't know you could grow tomatoes in russia


It's not tomatoes. It's beets that make it red anon.


Refugee bro…



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Why do Russians portray Ukrainians as pigs while Ukrainians portray Russians as socks with black eyes?


You are Asian


I didn't say otherwise.


these are stupid european jokes nobody understands. I suppose the answer is homosexuality, as always




I think the sock is actually a really worn down jacket/jumper/coat (whatever you want to call it)

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how as a nafri can I stop being obssessing over the fuhrer I love him so much bros it almost made me lose friends
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Based. Arabs are honorary aryan


Based and aryan-pilled


arabs are just sandniggers nigga


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I hope you're not mad about the whole chimp out in the past months. It's clearly a psyop since the three times were committed by some iraqi immigrant in sweden.now they hate sweden for no reason


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Just don't stop anon

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Why is /pol/ so obsessed with trans women? How does any of this affect you personally?
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they are funny. simple as.


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>this website itself is furthering the destruction of the west. Soyjaks have been even worse for the greco-roman tradition of open debate and free expression than even tranny censors were.



I've noticed this too, no counter arguments, only pointless soyduels.
>inb4 duel me
ok just a second

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