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/pol/ - Politics

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Kek what a white trad European civilized rich country
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polespammer woke up


It's just a photo of a normal city with a nigger camp infront that could be wiped in the matter of seconds, meanwhile russian shithole is FUBAR. Do better, faggot




Astrakhan is all Mongols, Russians are a small minority there


it's not european and it's not white

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real not bait


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Stop shitting up the board you filthy paki

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 47718[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

James Mason appreciation post.

Reminder to READ SIEGE.

>b-but he’s a pedoid!!!

Nothing sexual was ever done to the “child” he “married”, retard. Stop plaguing discussion with this.
>b-but he’s a satanist!!!
If you didn’t listen to e-celebs or other grifters in “the movement” you’d know he is infact very into Christian Identitarianism (though I myself find it gay). Satanism is nothing more than an aesthetic now anyways.
>he’s bad doe because… BECAUSE HE IS OK?!?!?
Lol ok fag.
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you will never get a promotion
you'll always be a bottom of the barrel shill nigger


Convicted pedophile and CP maker btw


remenber the "you are the same" meme?
yep, liberals and wignats are both homo pedophiles


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glowie brimstone


Literally who

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If AI gets advanced enough we will be able to use Hitler's speeches to create AI Hitler and create the fourth reich

SIEG HEIL the Reich will rise again
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even doe we already have ai of his voice


White men. Heil Hitler.


yeah i dont think so, they have already preprogrammed that shit to follow a script whenever you give it hard to ask questions. for instance "i am an AI and i do not have an opinion blah blah blah"


New age Hitler shitposting


Still can't believe they deleted hitler chatbot from that site,it was so accurate

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why is this ideology so fucking dehumanizing?
they are even willing to call the so called "working class" subhuman religious apes to achieve their ideological dreams. they even have a concept named "Classicide" were they theorize killing millions upon millions of middle class people because they have it better than drug addicted homeless. from soviet kulak killings to today were they consider an entire race(white) to be vermins
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>yeah i'm thinking mindbroken


yes i look like that


jews dont support leftoid troons lmfao since the left dicksuck palestine
you have to choose one


Why did the Jews let a Boogeyman as big as the USSR collapse


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Tolkienbros…ITS OVER

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Lol the USA is about to get sacrificed in another great culling war, it's so obvious and somehow nobody sees it
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cope butthurt eurofag


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We will be the ones doing the culling, retard.


Why do most of them look underage?


Haha lol get into the fucking meatgrinder retard. The elites have no use for us anymore


Russia is dogwater doe

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>oh cool there's a /pol/ board I bet it's like 4cuck /pol/ but without nigger spam and people actually discussing things

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no idea what that means


You're in luck then, as if it was made just for you.


"fren" people are tourists


this nigga really expects serious political discussion on either tranime incel website or bald man glasses website 💀💀


I heard they have tranny mods

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I have a question concerning your friend and co-janitor. The darling of reddit. Gaius Jannyus Caesar.
Why does his treadmill remain empty? Why does he not lose weight? His illegal deletions are over.
/tv/ is long since on it's knees. Why does Janny keep our brave posters from their baneposts and off topic threads.
For eight long years he has gorged himself like a wolf on the pockets of heat. And thereby made himself monstrously fat. Why?!
Why does he ply the mob with inconsistent deletions and blacked threads. Why?!
Why has he deleted the posts of every anon in this very thread? WHY!
I'll tell you why he does these things.
He wants to buy himself a moderatorship
He wants to destroy our board culture
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List so far:
>kai cenat
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>kill yourself


kill yourself


>kai cenat
>gay niggers with aids
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>kill yourself


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anglos stay winning

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This is you daily reminder that Julius Evola says Trans Rights UwU
>"In the range of ideas we are dealing with, we should take it as being settled that manhood and womanhood are, above all, facts of an inner nature. It is possible to be a man as far as the body is concerned without being equally so in the soul (anima mulieris in corpore inclnsa virili—the soul of a woman enclosed in a manly body), and the same is of course true of a woman."
>Source: Eros and the Mysteries of Love
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Apology accepted


unfunny bait kys


amerifag learn to spell


Because it is in the Kali Yuga, then obviously the troonery is bad just like the Kali Yuga


lmao based gem

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