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/pol/ - Politics

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cuckold above


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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Holy shit go outside


blondism came to europe by asians, the oldest sample of blondism is from mal'ta buret near baikal lake(russia), some mammoth hunting kid carrying r haplogroup, and yes R were primarily asians just like Q which became mostly native americans

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>Germany totally free country
>"Hallo local police stazion, id like to report my neighbour as a nazi"
>neighbour arrested day after
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In Britain if you do not give up the encryption key you face up to two years anyway


LMAOOOOOOOOO say it aint real im begging you
imagine being THIS cucked


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sickening and thanks for the sound


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>they live is real


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>your country no free speech, even dough our country worse
Let's maybe not fight against each other, but for a common cause?

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4chan is all fucked up. Did the jews finally shut it down?




from what i understand:
>hiroshimoot is off in africa making some jap TV show
>but he had a retard moment and forgot to pay some sort of bill to cloudflare before leaving
>now the site is down and rapeape can't get it back up because he's not the owner and the owner can't be reached because he's in the middle of 'groidland

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Arab nationalism is GEM
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Rethink about it, Jesus loves you


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im not a muslim you delusional tranny kek
already knew it


oh yes the petrol monkoriginal is calling others non white


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>>>islam will save europe

you can barely beat streetshitters let alone do anything against christians. you piggy bank off the left brownskin

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My discord server is talking about troons and it's so hard to not chud out but I don't want to lose friends
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they aren't your friends they are lobotomized corporate drones and you should delete your discord


this is me constantly with all my non-chuddy friend groups


nations fall when their heroes are too coward to speak up.


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unleash on them brother, Aryan unchained mode 1488, don't hold back give them that 1 way ufo ride to agartha energy, full power glacial force ice lightning total tranny death


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if they're troons or troon supporters, then they were never your friends in the first place.
remember that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

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4chan was jewed by the digikike once again. Cloudflare Judeo-Bolsheviks could not handle the pressure and decided to oy vey.
Post your shit to contribute to Kali Yuga.

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Bush sr would have given us nonstop frontline footage with cinematic cameras on tripods all year long. That's what the bolshevists took from us.


Bolsheveeks? More like… sucks my dicks

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this gem always makes me laugh
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too expensive, hohol lives are worth 1/4th


truthful gem also its a brother war provoked by jooz on both sides


someone took the time to make this dust


keyed, hit the rest


So is putin. No more brother wars. Ideally men from both armies would be fighting their jew overlords instead.

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WTF is going on in your country? Are you guys alright?
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>im probably the only peruvian that uses the 'party, but im not samefagging
Invite your friends and family here too then you won't be the only Peru'bro here.


Nobody is insane enough to do that


>Meds dina was never elected.
if she was, she was the vice president if you voted for Castillo, you voted for her



yes the highlanders(from highland, sierra) of my country tho

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Eurocuck toss


the state of germs


>15yo girl having sex bad


Made me hard…



Eastern polish jew spotted

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