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/pol/ - Politics

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worst warlike kiddingly dress gate forehead dessert spaghetti cake paste kept shave


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bleed to death waste of water subhuman


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Debunked by booru autists


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>t. twp clitty chudcel


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Why is booru full of wignat?


poltroon niggerstone
unironically all kill yourself on the spot, centrist website
tsmt albeit why'd you steal my filename


Because I’m a selfish little fuck


Obsessing over race is unhealthy. Humans are equal.


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>When I was growing up, I was an extremely enlightened centrist. Any shift to either side of the political spectrum would be the end of civilization in my eyes, and I still hold this belief true. Anyway, as all young males do, I had a lot of unexpected boners going through puberty. And, as we all know, if you put your erect penis to one side of your body, it will start to tilt to that side overtime. Being as dedicated of a centrist as I was, I made sure to prevent this. Every morning I would wake up and tape my penis upwards, pointing towards my belly button, so that it would be perfectly center. Then, after knowing it was secure, I would get dressed and go upon my day. This didn’t present a problem in my sex life, as I was too busy debating on the internet on how Pokémon is too politically charged to ever get laid. To this day I have the worlds most centrist penis, and I am proud of it.


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>Obsessing over race is unhealthy. Humans are equal.



>>63555 here, made me laugh


A thing I noticed is the fact that Jews and Chuds are similar. Both of them hate anyone that isn't in their own ingroup. They use slurs against outsiders (g*yim, n*gger.) Both believe in the supremacy of their own groups.


shitskins seething ITT


We look and act different, not just because of culture, but because of genetics. Saying all humans are equal is plain and simple ignorant, niggers and sandniggers will on average always be more violent and aggressive and thus unfit for civilized society, just take a look at Sweden and France


Cracas seething ITT


You blacks keep talking up and us RVSSIANS will cancel your grain deal and will not allow you to suck our cocks



>Both of them hate anyone that isn't in their own ingroup. They use slurs against outsiders (g*yim, n*gger.) Both believe in the supremacy of their own groups.
99% of civilizations are like that…


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Jews and every other race does that. I just want White people to realize that acting like you in a country where we're rapidly becoming a minority will lead to disaster


Yes sir
Glory to the Russian federation



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I do agree there are genetic differences between people. Some races might be smarter than others. But it would be foolish to attribute the bad character of a man to his race. For the most part you've been exposed to the bad apples of blacks and Arabs, and thus have developed a bias towards them.
Muslims weren't racist, they were one of hte most successful civilizations (in terms of culture and scientific advancement) In fact this is what Muhammed (saw) had to say about racism.
>"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly."
While I understand where your fears come from (I was a chud.) You have to realize /pol/ is also man made, and their beliefs and view of the world are skewed from what's actually real. For example, you can't really only blame the Jews for the downfall of European culture. You have to blame the Europeans themselves for failing to maintain it. As well, it would be a shame if European culture dissapeared.


Wasn't this moved to qway doe


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>You have to blame the Europeans themselves for failing to maintain it
Obviously you have to do something about the traitors and the decay but that doesn't mean you should ignore the people that took advantage of the traitors and the decay to advance their own interests at great expense to us



My dad told me. That you first shoot the traitors and then the enemy.
But you also have to realize in what position you are in. You are posting on a cartoon bald man site about the failures of Europe. Now, I don't know if you have any political influence, but it is unlikely you do. So you are unable to change much about Europe. My best advice is this, just learn more about the world. Instead of heavily relying upon /pol/chuds to tell you what's real, go outside and maybe even explore the beliefs of other religions.


nordsissies arent gonna like this one


cuckold above


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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Holy shit go outside


blondism came to europe by asians, the oldest sample of blondism is from mal'ta buret near baikal lake(russia), some mammoth hunting kid carrying r haplogroup, and yes R were primarily asians just like Q which became mostly native americans

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