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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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>ITT you may discuss anything related to the site, or what is going on.
>Image uploading is disabled.
>The party and the booru are up for sale. If you wish to purchase both sites, send an email to [email protected] and attach proof of funds. Serious inquiries only, and the price is $8000.

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marge why is this board unlocked

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What strain is she smoking.


watermelon zkittlez

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How the fuck do retards eat 25 grams - 150 grams of this green garbage per day?

I get violently ill if I use 6 grams and I start vomiting


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>Woah guys im so high on NIGGER KRATOM right now!

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ITT we discuss dph stories and groom soyteens into taking the bennypill.
I'll start:
>bored at night so I take some Benadryl
>get drowsy and go to bed
>begin to hallucinate browsing the sharty with my eyes closed
>start posting on the sharty too
>suddenly I am teleported to a glass elevator in the middle of a high tech futuristic office
>disappointed that all of my sharty posts were gone
>the glass elevator begins descending
>I can see through the glass and notice that each room gets worse the further down the elevator goes
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12 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No because life already sucks why make it worse with dph


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lol last year i took enough to where i went unconscious and woke up in a pool of vomit


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>No because life already sucks why make it worse with dph


What are the benefits of taking /dph/ because it seems to me to be entirely negative


Someone edit in a small reddit snoo over the rock to the right of his chin just big enough to cover the rock

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he won

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We have some big things upcoming /psy/teens

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drugGODs won

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Hello fellow chuds, please recommend the best websites to buy drugs. I am not a fed trust me. If you could also please tell me if you use drugs or not that would be perfect!!


john they arent taking the bait , i will "bump" this subject so more people see it.


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My mom says drugs are bad



should work fine, though your mileage may very because i heard the site changed owners

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