>>690Well, the first tiny dose I took with a small piece of xanax. My mood lifted, colors were brighter / shinier, and it was like the way I process thoughts shifted / I'm able to think in different ways / If I was accustomed to doing something in an inefficient way, maybe something made into habit from time, I'd be able to break the old patterns and improve whatever it is.
It was good, I was relaxed. When I upped the dosage, my thoughts started to run away from me. My friend wanted to hang out, and I didn't bother to tell him what I was doing because I didn't think the dose was that high. So when I went over to his house, it really started to kick in and I was scared to say anything because his brother was there. I eventually mentioned it to him after trying to play some beat 'em up on the switch. I didn't know WHAT the fuck I was doing, but I did my best to keep it together.
All in all, it was a difficult trip. Not my worst, but it was a good learning experience, like the rest of them.