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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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I do this


good for u chuddy you should try
>Lion's Mane (8:1 extract) + Psilocybin microdose + Nicotinic Acid (10mg-500mg)
Nicotinic Acid is Vitamin B3 but it will cause skin to flush red if you take too much

its perfectly healthy but some people dont like niacin flush, the point of the niacin is that it moves the mushrooms through every cell in the body, especially extremities

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>b-but bro it's all natural, my kratom habit is much better than chugging oxies daily okay!?!?


just be glad that every kratom addicted faggot is gonna die from retard disease because of self-inflicted heavy metal poisoning and constipation among other things

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My mom is always home, so I don't have time to do LSD since it lasts 15 hours

hopefully i can do shrooms at night secretly


if you wake up late and drop acid over the night no one will notice, you aint gonna be tripping anymore once the sun is up



nah bro 1 tab acid lasts 14+ hrs for me, i already got caught once because it lasted from 11PM-12 AM
could be my low tolerance idk


maybe just go out? meet with friends or something, having the freedom to consume substances can be a very liberating experience, might be worth going after not only because of the acid, but for shrooms too


Blog post on the ‘arty whilst on psychedelics

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doing a couple of ket lines on DXM right nowe postr some good ass music chuddies
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lame niggers am done now


you don't do drugs you're a boring faggot doe


you can do drugs and still be a boring faggot, also, speak for yourself


u just post generic bait though i am better lol


can you point me towards the generic bait you speak of sir? cause i don't think you know what i post unless of course you are a dataminer in which case kys

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>taking drugs to advance the BNWO

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Do sharty mods take any drugs?
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it would be a shame if they break character and talk to us for just…. once




I suppose we are to never find out


Rise and shine


Yeah thats a bumo

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/kg/ - Ketamine General
ketamineARYANS IN
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Ketamine: WD-40 for the Bayesian brain:


guys drugs r bad:(


nerd coal


chudcel who never tried actual ket: the post


It's very smooth with DXM, makes it much more bearable, but i figure it's a little heavy on the heart, did a few lines earlier, good times

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Ya like 'regabs?
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900 Lyrica and 1000 phenibut in the morning, tea with 2 teabags for the boosting. Phenibut causes tinnitus.


I take valocordin when i cant sleep


2100 prega, 3000 phenibut, and going for some nigger weed and beer in the evening


i'd love to have some phenibut instead of baclofen, easier to dose and such


have fun chuddy

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I did morphine and fent once but that was in a hospital so that doesn’t really count
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I had anxiety attack on MDMA


idk coke meth lotta things but i really want to try pcp


idk coke meth lotta things but i really want to try pcp


I’ve done crack, heroin, meth, opiates but the hardest one was probably Benadyrl


I recently did 6g of shrooms and caffeine pills.
That shit blew my brain out to the 4th dimension.

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Just bought a 100% legal CBD brownie


enjoy your placebo keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek


>Even doe CBD is peer-reviewed to be safe and effective


placebo is also safe and effective

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