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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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I am going to "Opps" you






I am going to oppose you

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i got 20g of dried shrooms, dubs what do I do with them (taking x amount, burning them... whatever)
12 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


film it doe


Put them in a box down a river to see a magic trick happen


ermmmm op...




actually fuck you im not delivering they took too much to grow, ill put a cobson drawing on a box and send it down the river on your honour doe

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im straight edged the only drug i need is god

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2015 Korwin get

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I love this


pee pee po pooo

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Why are you all talking about nigger drugs?
Today is Führergeburtstag you fucking retard nigger monkeys, stop rotting your brain with THC you fucking ape.
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jenkem is an aryan drug doe


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True aryans manufacture their own Führercrackensmoken.


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because i can okay?


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PSYgods we won
captcha: yeah


i laughed


i had a dea captcha earlier






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How tf do you guys find drugs


I grow them


i search for american rc vendor websites on Yandex

also Trump legalized most kinds of cannabis in 2018 Farm Bill so you can buy most of them on the internet


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>How tf do you guys find drugs


with xray, they generate naturally so i can find them easily


probably from niggers in a dark alley way or something

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that is NOT you meds and BBC


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you don't look like this

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