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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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Gemmy 1488 post


good old testosterone and dianabol works well for me

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/psy/ - Psychede-ACK!


no fucking arrow


ugly freak i cant believe you say and look like that

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Is thc healthy to take? I take thc gummies before bedtime every day as I was told thc has no long term health effects as long as you don't smoke it. But teens last night said its still bad. Can someone give me a good explanation?
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Did ya khow about the easy way to make thc from cbd?


yes i did just that


Howis this substance called, you need to mix with? Diatomite or smth…?


theres many guides online, the catalyst can be p-toluenesulfonic acid, citric acid, and probably a few others

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let's play a game, matching digits = take a hit of your drug of choice
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what the fuck does matching digits mean and how do i take a hit of DXM


explain and i will play


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you roll and if u get dubs, trips, or quads you will abuse your drug of choice


see i got dubs so now im gonna take a rip from my bong


make that shit on /soy/ boards too dead

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Julius Evola said true aryan nobles need to do psychedelics
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i agree that he was a pastabrained italonigger but in this case he was right albeit


TRSposter does drugs now?


even doe i hate those kike glownigger boomers and id have kike enoch thrown into a boiling pot of excrement


i thought everyone with this filename scheme is the TRSposter who used to post on our /pol/ a while ago



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Is there really no cure for skooma addiction? That's what this one's been told.

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post what you smoke out of
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reddit site faggot


don't worry I got the rick and morty bong now


Show it then


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>dude weed

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>/psy/ - Psychedelics
>Smoke weed everyday


king cobra




Twu hell yeah toobz


Fuck sickos


That's what's up!

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Im going to a coffeshop in a moment. What strain should i buy?

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