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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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/JGT/ - Jenkem General Thread
>what is jenkem?
Jenkem is a hallucinogenic inhalant created from human feces.
>how do you make jenkem?
Shit in a jar and leave it out and the sun. You can also add a bit of piss if you want a more extreme high, although don't overdo it.
Demoralization. Jenkem IS real and you WILL huff the jenk.
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Up caca


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/psy/x/caca/ crossover


gem go up



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Where do you get your drugs from 'teens? I tried to look around for some dealer around mu university and local night clubs but found nothing.


>neither university nor night clubs has drugs
nigga in what universe do you live


In Russia there are a lot darknet shops, they are selling the way calling "treasure", packs with drugs are all around on the streets treasured in special places


ferment my own alchohol grow my own 'hrooms everything else I do is semi-legal like kratom or phenibuit


sovl way of delivering drugs

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Between now and the last time /psy/ was open, I quit both nigger weed and nicotine. I'm completely sober now
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>Easily overdose
You literally cant on most though, like LSD for example, its hard to overdose on that, granted are still dangers but still ya know.


this 'teen loves eating brain fungus and glowing mind control paper


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his board should be about getting OFF of drugs, rather than indulgence in them. Chud 2 hours ago №1272>>1283

Between now and the last time /psy/ was open, I quit both nigger weed and nicotine. I'm completely sober now
▶Chud 2 hours ago №1278


▶Chud 2 hours ago №1280

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kinda trvthnvke, even though i'm also destined to be at least on one medication at all time because i'm an autistic faggot


Thats what health is for

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spam itt for the 420 get sisters
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/raid/ in shambles rn




certified 'arty classic

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Dude… can't believe kuz thought making an entire board for this irrelevant band would be a good idea


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>Two years later, Psy joined other artists onstage at a protest concert to perform the song “Dear America,” written by the South Korean metal band N.E.X.T.. Psy sang along to the lyrics, “Kill those Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives/Kill those Yankees who ordered them to torture/Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers/Kill them slowly and painfully.”

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>my degenerate drug taking neet lifestyle? yeah actually keyed baste and trad because ummm hitler once took drugs too or something


Weed is le bad beacause… *cough* uuugh *cough* *cough* uuuuuhhh dude…

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adrenochrome general


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>The question of religious chemistry has been underscored recently by
>the wide attention given to the theories, already mentioned, of Dr. Abram
>Hoffer and Humphry Osmond. Their adrenochrome-adrenolutin hypothesis
>suggests that schizophrenia may be caused at least in part by defective
>adrenal metabolism. Very briefly, the adrenal gland secretes the hormone
>adrenaline, which helps coordinate biological mechanisms in emergency
>situations, for example, a fist fight or a threatened traffic accident.
>Heart rate is increased, the blood is sugared up and pumped to the
>necessary muscles. Adrenaline also may affect the emotions, contributing to
>anxiety and depression. In the body it turns into a toxic hormone called
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>b) (-) -Adrenaline (2 g.) was suspended in water (70 mL) and dilute hydrochloric acid was added dropwise with shaking, until a clear solution was obtained. Silver oxide (8 g.) was added, the mixture shaken vigorously for 5 minutes and then filtered. The aqueous solution of adrenochrome this obtained was stable for about 12 hr at 0C


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>you will NOT make the adrenochrome to gain access to the secret jew satvrn layer of (((earth))) goyim, thats called schizophrenia and it's LE BAD and a LE MENTAL DISEASE okay!?!??!?


chemistryteens… someone HAS to

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is thalidomide common in your cunt /psy/?


It's very easy to make by yourself as i know


they banned it a long time ago here


yes it is, there are multiple ways to make it, and some people say it's more euphoric than methaqualone however i doubt that these people have actually tried methaqualone, anyways it's still seems to be good sedative

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>we need a drug board because we just do OK!!?!?

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Why does this board have more people complaining about drugs than actual drug talk


Because our culture is taught all drugs bad except alcool


they arent. those are just the most recent


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>even doe dxm and nw is sharty culture


alchohol is bad too though

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