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 40839[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For the few chuds that still wish to take on CeCeFem, I have a proposal that could greatly revive the efforts (which has its' origin in the earliest threads on this individual), as well as give us some much needed entertainment.

It is well known to all of us that information about CeCe and his grooming network is scarce, my proposal is scorched earth.

What does scorched earth entail?

In order to comfortably do what CeCe does on the internet, a lot of opsec knowledge and thick skin is needed, this is true, and so what I propose instead is the following:

Many of CeCe's friends are mentally weak people with thinner skin and lesser opsec than him, so we could harass, verbally abuse and bully his friends in order to push the weaker ones away from him or by default push them into suicide through volunteering information on how one can take his own life alongside a persistent, constant harassment and, if possible, doxxing and threatening them with SWAT team calls into giving us information and intel on CeCe. This could effectively kill off CeCe's support network either literally or metaphorically, and it could significantly impact him psychologically and emotionally in a way that could either push him away from the internet or provoke him to make emotionally-fuelled bad decisions that end up in his self-doxxing—and therefore, our victory.

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Im dming cecefem's black bvll about this
also why some bbc sluts pedos?




well then youd have to download the file of every 17-19 year old living in alabama from an existing search engine
or go to the huntsville pd and politely ask them if they have any records for this and this man living here and here in south huntsville, say that theyre your relative or old friend or something, DO NOT give them your id and if they ask, walk away


this aged poorly.

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post skibidi toilets on crystal.cafe


Yes, I will post skibidi toilets on crystal cafe.


How about we make nazi skibidi toilet or just gore too to scare kids


To kill it and make crazy ape shit

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The exceptional individuals over on goreflix.com have started cultivating a tightknit community based around torturing animals and children.

I recommend you don't click any catbox.moe links, unless you'd like to see puppies being fed to their own mothers.

And I DEFINITELY recommend you do not click ANY of the titles they post on nippydrive.com and nippyfile.com. They have somehow occupied these anonymous upload sites completely, despite those two having "popular" pages which of course, are a testament to their depravity. The titles there are enough to make you want to die.

How can you help?

Flood goreflix.com. There is little to no moderation and posts can easily be buried.

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how is that shit legal


how could we report this to the FBI?


Why not find the owner

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Dear Chuds, I've doxxed a lot of fnf faggots, gave fun, list may be Updated over time.



NAME: Cameron Taylor

USERNAMES: ninjamuffin99, ninja_muffin99

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newgod here. What's fnf? I keep seeing it get mentioned here.


newgod here. What's fnf? I keep seeing it get mentioned


Rhythm game with an awful community





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 34024[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is made to easily compile most of the information we know about 4chan and how it operates.
it will focus in 4 parts so you can easily read them,be warned english is not my mother tongue and i accidentaly make mistakes by such as overusing words like "unironically" or "though" or other words aswell as simple grammatical mistakes.
im also not used to making these kinds of threads with a lot of words, so please forgive me if it comes out weird to read or riddled with errors and mistakes.
this is only a warning to how im most likely going to speak the thread itself so you CAN skip over to the actual contents of the thread.

?????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ?????. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/2
??? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/4
???? ???? ????. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/6
??????????? ?????? ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/8
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Sorry to ask, what's a janny


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bumo for posterity


What's that site?


Personal army gem

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Steven Karl Walther

Lilith Walther

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hell nah, lad. xhe should instead created xher own middle marketing company.
AAA games are trying too hard and Indie games are too quirky.
AA games shall RISE UP!




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>i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and im *NOT KIDDING*



GEM! post it on da RU

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bump for this gem

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Ayyple doxx or something (as soon as the sharty will start again (if it ever will) I'll make a new thread)
Hello 'teens, thanks to this retard's low intellect, he has exposed himself into the public by uploading retarded coal starring his imaginary nigger wives to the 'ru under his fucking nickname
Upon searching his nickname, you are given a bunch of the most globohomo nigger websites such as shitter, nigstagram and even the fucking r34, which in you find his austistic drawings of random block headed niggers with tits and even gay porn, all drawn by him. In the pic related, you can see what dust he has been posting, including the forcing of the gassy plague
In total, this guy's a furnigger, a faggot, a shitskin pretending to be spanish (the trve ones descent from germans yet they are extinct by this time), an autist and a literal newfag forcing the gassy coal, ruining the already dead sharty, so look into his shitter profile and see it yourself
The r34 shit:
His shitter:
His kiketube:
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he also tricked a legion of drawfags to draw his shitty oc over at /co/


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nigfag is a fagtarded pile of brimstone


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fuck dude…


>>46335 shut up nigger



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some Tor exit nodes work, LFG
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havent heard that in years kek


did you destroy it yet?




bam bam bam

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Are you sure some of your doxxes are justifiable because those just feel like you are a fucking retard who hates those fags just because they are fags and not because they did something they deserved to be doxxed for?


Every dox thread on /raid/ is made by zukencord. Soyence proves this.


too bad there are others as well who get motivated into doing it


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Doxxing those who are just annoying isn't worth it.


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