For the few chuds that still wish to take on CeCeFem, I have a proposal that could greatly revive the efforts (which has its' origin in the earliest threads on this individual), as well as give us some much needed entertainment.
It is well known to all of us that information about CeCe and his grooming network is scarce, my proposal is scorched earth.
What does scorched earth entail?
In order to comfortably do what CeCe does on the internet, a lot of opsec knowledge and thick skin is needed, this is true, and so what I propose instead is the following:
Many of CeCe's friends are mentally weak people with thinner skin and lesser opsec than him, so we could harass, verbally abuse and bully his friends in order to push the weaker ones away from him or by default push them into suicide through volunteering information on how one can take his own life alongside a persistent, constant harassment and, if possible, doxxing and threatening them with SWAT team calls into giving us information and intel on CeCe. This could effectively kill off CeCe's support network either literally or metaphorically, and it could significantly impact him psychologically and emotionally in a way that could either push him away from the internet or provoke him to make emotionally-fuelled bad decisions that end up in his self-doxxing—and therefore, our victory.
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