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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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bimbones on discord or steam (steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198337960853)

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Calling all 'teens: Your mission, if you choose to accept it: bully the fat brown kid at the following address by whatever means necessary:
2908 Riverplace Drive, Arlington Texas, 76006, Apartment 2094
I am busy hunting a kid diddler on the other side of the country as a prelude to perpetrating TND which means no time to do it myself (stopping in Gaysexas is a pain in the ass going from Flawda to Ohio)
The bounty is $40 in BTC (unless it keeps dropping lmao) for the first person to succeed, and the satisfaction of knowing you made a gay latinx shit xer pants for everyone else. I am posting this to several websites and it's first come first serve so be quick if you want the bounty.
To collect your payment provide footage of successful trolling and the wallet you want the coins sent to. Bounty expires in 48 hours or when the thread 404s. I will be on the road right after posting this and will check threads wheneever I stop. Happy hunting, tards


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This is not 4chan


obtain HIV

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Let's raid doujin cafe

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>no zoo
go back faggot nigger tranny

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Gooseworx Tranny

Name: Cooper Smith Goodwin

Birthday: Oct 11 1994

Email : [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

Password: superthumbini

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Bros I share the same birth date as this dude is it over


Trannies are always into the most disturbing shit i swear.


Holy shit I didn't expect this keyed thread.



>Password: superthumbini
What account is this password for anyways, the most gemmiest thing isn't doxxing but hacking into someone's account.

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Let's chud up a thread 'teens

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You posted this on lain...SPOTTED!!!!!!


the site already dead

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>What do we do?
1. Spam jak threads. Slide slop posts
2. Derail non-jak threads.
3. Turn it into a Sharty Colony!

>How many do we need?

40-60 people would be good. Recruit as many as you feel you need.


so basically just a normal tuesday on /pol/
a thread died for this coal

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Enough raiding individual Discord servers. There's too many of them, and we get bogged down with the high octane personalities and their simp armies that dwell within.

How else do we approach it, you ask? Simple: FUCK THE ENTIRE PLATFORM.

The company that owns Discord is, at this point, responsible for child pornography distribution and child grooming, and the servers they host do nothing more than to incubate and export Weaponized Mental Illness.

Just take the entire platform down. Overwhelm their servers and get them tangled up with so many legal actions that they go out of business.

Problem solved.
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sadly it turns out the vrchat developers/moderators are in with the 4chan mods and the whole conspiracy, we have to target them too now, i wished to avoid this but this is how it is!


I think you greatly over exaggerate how much action is necessary to even topple pisscord.
Just sit back and watch them keep ruining it with update bloat.
Skype eventually became unusable because it kept getting updates that made it worse than the last. the tool is useless garbage now. Thats part of why the big move happened in 2016.


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>soyjak is procp faggot. gtfo of here.

>alos, i was banned for a comic of cp. post which are the cp servers


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by the time any organized attempt to take discord down actually gets anywhere the platform would have probably killed itself from not having enough paying users to sustain itself after driving users away with retarded updates no one asked for
it's not likely to happen within a few years unless something really bad happens but I doubt Discord will last more than a decade after launch

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So this channel called "? Alyssa ?" is in his own words a "Pro-Pedophile" Transgender AKCtivists who tries to "educate" people about how pedophilia is normal and that it doesn't hurt anybody.

He doesn't censore his face at all, so anybody can go and try to look up any FB/Twitter account of his for more information
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




This thread needs a bump


Holy mother of coal damn this nigger is so brimmy




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they have girl lover earrings on lmfao

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