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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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>spawn area is blank
>no cooldown

perfect for drawing gems and getting more people at the sharty

site: https://ourworldofpixels.com/


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Old thread but still though I'd post


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Just a heads up, there is a cripplechan bunker board, mostly for /v/, which is INCREDIBLY easy to troll. They love to make up boogeyman that don't exist, and recently, they've taken to accusing literally anyone that doesn't use capital letters to be a pedophile. This is ironic, since the owner of the site, Acid, is a known pedophile who regularly posts his 12 year old anime waifu getting raped by niggers
>what is /hebe/?
In short, it used to be a board full of actual pedophiles who would post clothed pictures of children and other borderline illegal material. Acid ALLOWED THEM TO STAY because of muh freezepeach, which led to an exodus of users who thought he was either a fed trying to get the site's users arrested or a retard who didn't know he was steering his ship into an iceberg. Well, Acid wants this incident covered up, so he's banning anyone that mentions the board or his involvement in it, especially when people mention that he intentionally allowed it to stay up for as long as possible, for reasons unknown when everyone wanted it gone ASAP. Acid also claims to be a pedophile, and yet posting that lolicon is just 2D Child Porn will 100% get you permabanned(there is an actual rule against saying this in their global rules, not kidding)
All in all, if you want to troll the ever living shit out of these reddit and twitter rejects, here is the link
don't forget to NEVER use capital letters and post results, their jannies make 4chan hotpockets look relatively sane in comparison so they WILL delete all your posts and permaban you for even insinuating they're the actual pedophiles, or that the left won the culture war ect.
8 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Did someone say "Mark"?


Why no one has made soyjacks of Mark is fucking beyond me lmao


don't let your dreams be dreams. he was already bullied by one soyjak chad before so he will likely think it's him again if people jak him now


bumpin' on the re-opened board, 8cucks is right for pickings


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This old troon is an autist and is surprisingly similar to CWC, I don't know if he responds to troll comments but its worth a shot.




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It seems like this site is lacking in terms of activity. How about we invite a few soyteens over to spice things up?


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>mod checks the site like once a week tops
>basically dead 99% of the time
>Not enough 'aks on the 'oard


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 32951[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You know the script, soyteens.

Previous thread: >>32137

PASSWORDS SHOULD BE SIMPLE (lowercase, no punctuation)
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195 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it's overmerald





soulless p' raid with no ias. KYS


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Our shit has been destroyed in ourworldofpixels.com lets rebuild it, Squirrel is still standing strong


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there are trannies on twitch who need to be dealt with
when do we raid them


Post targets + plan then advertise on /soy/


Advertise on /soy/ first


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itch who need to be dealt with
when do we raid them

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Fuck the other dude posting about raising the rating of this movie it's coal let's review bomb it


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фывфы ыфвыфацу

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