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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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You know what to do chuds, find any gemmy image, resize it and paste it on owop with violent monkey.

Make sure to paste images around spawn so people actually see it, if jannies ban you just use a 'pn and ctrl+shift+I to reset the pages cache.

Have fun chuds and post any gemmy screenshots you have here.


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page 40 bump



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It's infowar time, soys!





wordswordswords.. do you really expect me to read any of that shit by yours?


It's not intended to be a meme. All the details of how you troll the knowyourcoal jannies are in the image itself.

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bjpootroon coal


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do they have toilets though


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They better do because i'm coming over to clean them

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my personal army
call this number +44 7926 558659
scream about gems down the phone and spam their text messages, try and go above and beyond with the extra info down below

Record it and and whoever makes the funniest video i'll buy a video game worth up to £15 (17.85 USD)

Note that this retard below is a muslim and a nigger lover so extra points if you manage to incorporate that into it
extra info: his name is Aaron Morales and he goes to City of london academy southwark
His home address is 15 Sherwood Gardens, London SE16 3JA
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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm not interacting with a British "person"


>For any snitches, i don't go to this school nor do i know this kid irl so good luck
you obviously do or you wouldn't know about him


nypa, nigger


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>i don't go to this school nor do i know this kid irl
this is what you get for lying, OP

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Trannies made a reddit alternative. Its very new and mods havent been finalised yet. Accounts can be quickly registered and email is optional


this one too

Also, they have a wiki anyone can edit


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what the FUCK is that cursed schizo website





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Time to chud up her inbox with some 'cados

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Right now Reddit is down, but since redditors are faggots and can't stand for their values for long enough I'm sure they will crawl back to reddit and all will return to normal soon.

Now, the objective of this thread, get some accounts ready, once reddit opens again we will launch a full raid on the bigger or most retarded subreddits, a good idea would be to ask some seemingly normal posts while using jaks as the image, do whatever you can to fuck it up a little.
Some subreddits Ive been thinking about are:

Ive never been to reddit other than to pirate shit so I don't know how everything will work,until the next thread 'teens.
May Soy be with you.

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Let's gem up the headquarters of planned parenthood with phone calls
+1 714-922-4100
Record and post your gems here!
Remember to add *67 before your number so you remain anonymous.
If you need a US phone number, use https://textnow.com


bumping fuck abortion and the foids who get abortions

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tranny dox that's been shitting up MY ANIME BOARD LQL


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reposting though cause 404'ed

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