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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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>you ain't built for these streets cuh
>Fr,ong ect…


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Guys I'm OP and a follow up is coming


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>Hates soyjaks with a burning passion

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what do you think lee is up to nowadays?
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Rainbow Dash has hooves not feet, retard


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He won.


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So happy for him winning all that cheese.

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i love xer so much and i'm not even a brony


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>i love xer so much and i-ACK!


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same here

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Coco is Sociable

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screenshot thread
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None of these are good

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Is soysuba IAS?
Bald | No
Glasses | Yes
Stubble | No
Open mouth | No
Excited eyebrows | Yes
Forehead wrinkles | No
Soyboy | No
Drawn like wojak | No
2/8 therefore NAS


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Not a soyjak

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Draw anything that's considered "NAS Sharty Culture" in this thread
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I'll make it today


sharty killing nasdiarrhea, artFAGS need to die out


sharty saving iasgem, ARTfags need to stay here


It's artGODS you antonymtroonFAGGOT


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What’s the name of this character from zellig I don’t wanna watch it
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It was revealed to me in a dream


fuck the dutch


i dont think she has a name, that's just maya's imaginary (???) friend


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According to the script included in the paypiggy folder, the imaginary friends' names are Epke and Anke.



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/bant/ gets worse and worse every fucking time i check in on it
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FRVG GVNOCIDE /bant/ 2019-2023
never forget.


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>i only post in the furry threads
holy mother of offsite invadors


many such cases


Bumping for visibility
we should shill on bant more to get frogchads here2


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>just get your ip leaked bro

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what lays for the future of /bant/?
>sharty presence gone
>frogs almost gone
>any resistance to the tranime hordes is gone
it's such a boring dull board that it drives me insane,porn everywhere,full of anime trashposts that have been repeated over and over like mk-ultra and just general garbage that it's close to basically becoming /trash/ now
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I used to cattywipe that board daily last year, I simply stopped because no matter how much you spam it always ends up in asinine tranime blogposts and discord blogposts, that board is a lost cause.


28chan and The Sharty are the only sites I use


Pepe was created by a libtard doe


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Just spam Omčo and Charles Stiles Mystery Diners.
Pepe has been raped by cryptojews and Soyjaks aren't special anymore and look gay with each variant ruining it.
Omčo and Charles Stiles Mystery Diners are resistable to fags.


Bumping for visibility
we should shill on bant more to get frogchads here




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>Video unavailable
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country


the food must not be bussin in your cunt

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Please don't delete
Also keeps your works SFW as possible
Archive and instructions of song covers:
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Why is she wearing two skirts


Because she's tired of you looking up her skirt.


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Stolen from /co/



'zoggle threads are still up on /co/?


Who the fuck invented ditch people

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cope frog/zelling/mlp/furry trannies
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Go back


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To where?


opinion validated


baritone why did you lock me in a obsidian bunker kys


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you are still mad about that? bro kys you are worse than salienaut

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>*Mung Daal then scoops up the clam chowda with his long dangly fingers, planting them on the bottom of the container
<*It started to shake and rattle back and forth in Mung Daal's grasp*
<*The container's lid was immediately popped off, flopping downward on the floor, cartoonishly*
>GOT THE CHOWDA!!!!! *Mung Daal then digs his long hairy hand in the clam chowda and starts scarfing it down as if it were his last meal*
<*The container raddled back and forth in his hand until it slipped from under him, planting itself onto the ground as the rest of the chowdah splattered and spilled all around making a gigantic mess, devastating Mung Daal in the process*
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I would laugh if I wasn’t in such an angry mood rn


a gem… in qa? Someone wake me up I must be sleeping!


We need Generator Rex copypasta NOW! CN shows before 2013 were truly memorable. Uncle Grandpa was released in 2013 doe.


this, and that crossover with Ben 10😬😬😬

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Guys what the fuck happened


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>hi babe


Seems fishy

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