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Soypeepeepoopoos… what the hell is this?
17 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Serbs Smoke crack


And groom Croats into being furries because Serbs are Turkish clay. Bomb Serbia again and heal Croatia


normalcattle started saying gem a long time a go, you're late to the party


ACK was popular before sharty and a Spider-Man comic from 2014 with Silk had Spidey or Silk say Keyed.


Uh oh

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I saw a guy draw a Seal that he saw in a thread where another guy Drew a Seal so I drew this seal but it's very angry now

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I can swear I remember this website being called soyjak.party, not soyjaks.party

ITT we discuss the mandela effect
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Rare reddit gem


Someone post this to /pol/ on the cuck.


What happened in South Africa and Apartheid in the timeline where Mandela died in prison


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meds it was always soyjaks.party



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Is it gay or bisexual to have sex with men in your mind?

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Now that I think about it

Mymy is Rainbow Dash
Maya is Fluttershy
Coco is Pinkie Pie

It all makes sense.
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chronic autism: the thread


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what makes her make this face?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


She got the soyjak.party organic gemerald seal of approval from Doll




average reaction to 'WC


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W for wolf btw


katia is cute but im not a furry

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I've been meaning to watch the lawnmower man and finally finished it over the downtime, cool movie. All my expectations were wrong and my perspective of cobson as a whole has changed forever. I probably will never forgot the scene where he was traced from. HWABAG.




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new mutt
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that picture is bad lighting
i have a10 eyes



Kill yourself obsessed faggot





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I be on that 4chan, dabbing on libtards
Call me the_donald the way I be trumping
Posting the 4chan frog memes with the dankest of captions
Posting the latest in right wing news with the dankest of captions
[Verse 1]
Ain't no libtard on Twitter that I don't ban
They be dissing me like a hoe that's gone to the wrong man
The_donald be a name not too different than the_chans
Tapping on their keyboards with a vengeance like a Russian hacker
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


noisy unusual insubstantial feline brave naughty zip approve license ruin concentrate construct


why does this pepe look kinda silly

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How do I acquire the chudjak look
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>get glasses
>avoid round glasses, use square ones
>never work out
>get the stupidest haircut ever
>never do skincare
and voila


Be low T and dysgenic


mouth breath at every opportunity
The biggest and potentially most overlooked factor in getting that nordic jawline


Low T
Bad genetics
Spend all day Inside

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Uninteresting and usual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit (occasionally aka as the blog thread) Real happenings go on >>>/soy/happpenings

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Orange fucker


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Gem girl


Bait thread do not respond


politely let her know her skirt is up and go on with my day


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'zellig hours


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