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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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so what's /qa/'s plan to reclaim /soy/?
we can't let me his happen nassers
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



marge im confused


jannies even delete Nas replies


I'll just stick with this one


i love bbc btw

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This site is hacked


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Serial killers are justice. If normalniggers would rather hang out with men with a lot of social skills than men with autism, then normalniggers can can go get killed by them.

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>Nnussoycucks killed this shithole with their pedo faggotry, self inserting, janny worship and much more.
>i sincerely hope everyone on this website kills themselves and their parents find theri bodies and either laugh or they are traumatised so much that they kill themselves
>i eish death on every fucking loser who uses this website.you will never be qa and you ran this fucking shit hole into the ground and carvbed a glorified discord server out of it (when youre not making cord servers yourselves)
>what has came out of this website? what memes can you call your own? all of them are dogshit but youve killed them all beecause of your inane cooooooord paranoia
>zellig, cado, babyjaks, smugjak, soylita, touhou, trannynamefags, bocchi, pepe, cobson, dancing jews, alien quoting, froge, fruitjaks, gigachad, amerimutt, dilbert, omgsisa, soy lingo, troonjaks, making fun of 4cuck, soot and many more were memes that have been stolen, were unfunny, ran into the ground because you cant let memes die or came from discord (least likely, mind, not every tranny that has a cord account wants to waste their short, miserable lfe here, but a soycvchk will, but it wont be short)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



Nobody said that


marge who said this


chud said this

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Attached to this post are 4 images
3 of these images are IAS, while one is NAS
Is this an acceptable post
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




>Attempts to use "loopholes" around the rules will result in deletion/handling in accordance with normal procedure.


Thanks for not banning me janjans
I guess frogcucks are really left stranded, huh?


janny has spoken


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this is insanity
They can't get away with this

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soycvcks can't meme. all you do is post the same stale 4chan meme over and over again.
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Jaks are better than pepe because you can always make new things off other templates and create new posts to make fun of people where frogposters only have the same 20 images they self insert as


Frogsister I gor bad news


chudjak is a leftypol meme doe


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that's why they are trying to get rid of us sis


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Pepes are used for reactions or self inserting in the similar way tranime macros are used by /a/incels, the only redeemable quality of soyjaks was mocking "X" group or person and that went down the drain instantly once /qa/ got locked since no one apart from a few autists seethe a soyjacks anymore.
Your loss soycvck

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when i spot a zigglyzolzug thread on the cantalodge



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The new rule means more people will use /qa/ for non waifufaggotry posts.


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Thank God, I was getting tired of all the furfag/tranime/dutch tranime/pony/FOTM spam

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frog board


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Is Lee IAS?


you got to IASify him i guess


welp i guess that answers that question

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was zhe right teens?


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yes but is he ias


yes, Total Kike Death.

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when i spot a zellig thread on the catalog


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hey guys look at this Seal I drew




Very cute, very nice.


IAS (Is A Seal)


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the seal Is very happy

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rare soylita gem

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