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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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soycvcks can't meme. all you do is post the same stale 4chan meme over and over again.


frogGODS dropping trvthMOABS today


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>soycvcks can't meme. all you do is post the same stale 4chan meme over and over again.


Jaks are better than pepe because you can always make new things off other templates and create new posts to make fun of people where frogposters only have the same 20 images they self insert as


Frogsister I gor bad news


chudjak is a leftypol meme doe


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that's why they are trying to get rid of us sis


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Pepes are used for reactions or self inserting in the similar way tranime macros are used by /a/incels, the only redeemable quality of soyjaks was mocking "X" group or person and that went down the drain instantly once /qa/ got locked since no one apart from a few autists seethe a soyjacks anymore.
Your loss soycvck

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