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File: 1690383849581.gif (44.8 KB, 550x400, its_happening.gif)ImgOps

 7335Sticky[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

If you would like to see a soyjak made into a plushie that you can purchase, post it here and I will send it to the manufacturer.
134 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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Fellow teenGODS can you jak this picturino but turn the hornyson as toyosotomimi no miko and the shoyta as futo mononobe

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Make something like the first gif with Gapejak3

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can someone replace moonman's head with cobson or atleast tell me how do i make something like these cobson dance gifs? retard here with no experience with doing something outside microsoft paint, is the cobson following original head or you have to animate the gif again and make head move one milimeter in each frame by yourself?

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can someone here help me? I never posted on 4chan nor does anyone here knows about it, yet im somehow banned for some reason, please and thank you


4chinner's just do that. do you have a vpn? it might be causing the issue

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Send DOLL’s stream recording


It's lost

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jak this teens


worthless avaricious spirited staid pastel crisp broadly seal wilderness glue son tune prick wreck enforce trick chart

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What's with this kid?
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.






Tranny comic for gook trannies


chad comic for ARYAN chads


File: 1691961999165.jpg (1.89 MB, 2205x2651, South Korean recruit.jpg)ImgOps

>What's with this kid?
He's the most masculine man in South Korea.

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'jak him. Preferably as A24jak.



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What software do you chuds use to make/edit 'jakkies?

For me it's GIMP
70 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


paint. Simple and easy








photoshop '22 ibis if im on phone

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