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File: 1674252951256.png (102.37 KB, 601x1018, Soyjak Markiplier variant ….png)ImgOps


Anybody have an updated version of this where the badge says 2 years?


why not just replace the 1 with a 2


File: 1674434375201.png (60.1 KB, 1400x1630, 1663692140417.png)ImgOps

File: 1674427622202.png (731.62 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps


Jak him

File: 1674167793512-0.png (139.02 KB, 334x250, gunt pointing.png)ImgOps

File: 1674167793512-1.png (220.35 KB, 360x400, gunt hollering03.png)ImgOps

File: 1674167793512-2.jpg (789.29 KB, 4096x2276, gunt portugal second beati….jpg)ImgOps

File: 1674167793512-3.png (64.36 KB, 218x237, gunt retard02.png)ImgOps


'Jak this disgusting fucking pig for me
1 post and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Ralph is based. KYS.


File: 1674168311063-0.jpg (13.25 KB, 258x230, gunt face.jpg)ImgOps

File: 1674168311063-1.jpg (20.88 KB, 538x606, gunt raccoon.jpg)ImgOps

File: 1674168311063-2.png (80.45 KB, 380x244, gunt raging01.png)ImgOps

File: 1674168311063-3.png (204.63 KB, 274x426, gunt soy.png)ImgOps

What a fat fuck, I can hear him squealing just by looking at those pics


File: 1674299165329-0.png (65.15 KB, 487x586, guntjak05.png)ImgOps

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File: 1674299165329-3.png (230.86 KB, 399x468, gunt homeless01.png)ImgOps

This pig has been squealing, drinking and crying for days now after he started getting bullied on twitter by his father-in-law, and it's fucking hilarious
I wonder if piggy will die before 2024?
BTW, here are some already existing guntjaks


nigger, kys


detailed stubbles make them hell to edit

File: 1674094390787.jpg (31.13 KB, 500x502, birb disgusted.jpg)ImgOps


'jak this
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


nas gem


checked however


looks like an normal bird drawing


ias thoughever


nas however

File: 1670200674570.png (690.07 KB, 610x769, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps


trace the faggot whos trying to become a janny


literally who


BBC or something


yeah, british broadcasting corporation

File: 1674089552214.png (20.65 KB, 1012x861, soylita.png)ImgOps


Put a ear on soylita



File: 1674070278036.png (8.06 KB, 217x151, 1673489553219.png)ImgOps


Does anyone have a script that can bypass captchas on vichan that can be edited on tampermonkey.
I'm not gonna spam the sharty with it, i'm trying to make a bot to raid other vichan sites.

File: 1672654337712.webm (2.99 MB, 576x1024, 4changiftomajorflart.webm)ImgOps


having trouble finding this cobman-adjacent space oddity parody. Found here. any leads?


i don't think it exists


just as i feared...


jews killed it...



File: 1673989049702.png (484.21 KB, 1024x960, retarded-troon.png)ImgOps


Someone post this gemmy on the 'ru please? (I'm too retarded to do it myslef)


captions are uber coal


no arrow therefore you

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File: 1672903692115-3.png (3.39 MB, 1144x4744, acid man posts cuck porn.png)ImgOps


I am going to BREAK 8chan.moe
I NEED custom Jaks for the raid
(You) will provide them to me
I need as many jaks as I can for THESE three, plus as many ASUKA jaks as you can give me
Why do I need ASUKA from NGE? Here is a pic explaining it
4 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't like the guy but niggerloving dust anyways


File: 1673424198935-0.png (254.19 KB, 417x462, crying_mark.png)ImgOps

File: 1673424198935-1.png (618.19 KB, 1600x1200, blacked.gov_pedo_thread.png)ImgOps

Here you go, my man. Found some 'jaks but I don't have a source, unfortunately
If anyone is interested, the 8chan jannies just got their logs leaked, other than the gayop faggotry that comes with every discord server, highlights include one of them being an actual homosexual who obsessed over wanting to rape other jannies while drunk, and one of them actively wanting to start a war with another dead, shit imageboard, and Mark(crying jew) fell for it because he is that fucking stupid



File: 1673432817712.png (1.79 MB, 1548x934, mark_cumstain_in_public.png)ImgOps

Is this good enough for a jakkin'?


File: 1673529018629.png (15.19 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)ImgOps

i jakked that one fat fag


File: 1673987721850-0.png (37.48 KB, 418x431, 012.png)ImgOps

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File: 1673987721850-2.png (49.6 KB, 628x525, 014.png)ImgOps

File: 1673987721850-3.png (26.78 KB, 424x288, 011.png)ImgOps

What a bunch of faggots
Is it true they get really triggered by soyjaks? They seem to get triggered by a lot of things

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