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We live


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We are so back

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linuxfag here ama
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doll won't lock the board before I can say endeavoros is the best distro

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uhm sweaty, suckless is nazi


what a fag


he really sucksmore


installing suckless now

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holy autism


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Intel's Arc GPU's have shattered Nvidia's lower end market with superior cost effective specs, once they roll out more high end models IT'S OVER FOR for team Green.


can do anything that isnt dx12/11 and doesnt have any ai


schizo been real quite since the leak


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gnuschizo was a pedophile

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someone give me a cockli invite because i'm a selfish little fuck
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not encrypted


it literally is


prove it


no email server is encrypted you retard
any server claiming to "encrypt your emails" either lies, or encrypts them for you, and thus has your keys, which means they can read all your emails.
suure, you give jews your keys and everyone else can totally read your encrypted emails without you having their keys first
how retarded are you?
do you not know how encryption works or what?


you literally cant even search into the email's body on protonmail retard, they are encrypted and get decrypted on the client

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how do i install windows 7
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Why do you want it? It's not compatible with a lot of new stuff


Forgot to mention that Intel dropped support for it as well, so good luck getting it to boot if you're on anything 11th gen and beyond, and it will NOT install to NVME drives


I was wrong, only 7th gen and before Intel processors will launch Windows 7


Install windows xp


torrent it from 1337x

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Does anyone have experience with the reduced lens method ? Does it make sense scientifically speaking?
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Makes more sense than "eye exercises" and other Baits nonsense


i've been looking into this shit after this thread and if it's real all optometrists need to get fucking killed holy shit


it is real, basically you can make your vision better by switching to the opposite of whatever your prescription is.

and start with the lowest strength first, so basically the text will be slightly blurry at first, then you focus in your eyes, and you start learning to read better.

then when you read without glasses it'll be clearer eventually


That's not how it works retard


it does work (tho)

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>we must reinstall the system or however pacman just broke


>requires constant reinstalls
thats a winkike thing, my arch installation has been fine for over 6 years now


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that's why comfy debian exists

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Unix-likes can't run anything similar, even macOS. XD
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>ugly UI
opinion discarded


looks way better than your windowstranny Everything app + you can theme it


gtk's UI is retarded and themes make it look worse + it relies on Xorg and Wayland


You can make it look however gnu like. It doesn't look that different from Everything for me


its called ls and grep, take your meds

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