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I'm part of the graphics team for BSD, they've been developing a successor to both X11 and Wayland. I'm gonna leak their logo, and prolly get kicked out of the repo for X12 but whatever.
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Details aren't nowhere near close to finalized, but they're designing a system with a few tenets of design. For one they're planning on releasing a sort of Motif 2.0 toolkit as an alternative to the Linuxisms going around. It'll be rethemable unlike Motif 1, but still quite elegant and EZ to program in, unlike GTK and Qt that currently exist everywhere. However, X12 will support multiple Renderers for your programs, so GTK and Qt stuff will still work, pure X11 and Wayland protocol stuff would too. It's to be designed in the native APIs of your system, like those experimental Wayland compositors but by design. Systems these days normally use OpenGL, for contrast. It'll use a system of Berkeley sockets and other IPC for communications, trying to avoid D-Bus and things like that. Though the coalition is also working on another Message Passing system, I think X12's gonna be able to run on just standard POSIX facilities. You'll be able to signal even through the filesystem through something like sending the X12 commands used to make the services or your pixel buffers to a var socket if you don't want to work lower level with the GPU or with any special toolkit. This isn't finalized yet but they'll be using multiple modular components as opposed to the Wayland style of everything just being one compositor. X12's gonna be the program-to-frame layer. The window manager will be easily swappable but it'll interface with the compositor and the compositor will interface with the GPU
so it goes X12 provides standard layer to applications and renderer, renderer renders things according to how X12 and your window manager asks it to. DEs will run their components as X12 clients
One X12 service will just be rendering through the GPU, which if you call through the API that service will get a direct line to pass Graphics through the composition. Sending software rendering is possible as an X12 service that sends bitmaps through Composition, though I've got no idea why you'd do that with the way X12 services work.


>X11 doesn't need a replacement, it works perfectly, especially on older hardware
People are autistic, albeit, and wanted to iterate Xdesktop because it’s already been done 11 times, why not the 12th


TearFree eats less performance than gayland as it is, and if you need more performance just disable it and fullscreen your shit
meds, we should've sticked to X10


what about wayland security? i dont like programs snooping on me


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>wheres the setting for turning on bbc mode on windows? i cannot find it or something


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we dont have that on UNIX like operating systems (except for macOS), but we have the BWC mode
you enable it by running
su -c 'ln -s /usr/bin/neofetch /usr/bin/reddit'
and executing 'reddit', followed by taking a screenshot of your terminal output and posting it on /tech/.


Kill yourself obsessed Ubuntu faggot


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>Kill yourself obsessed Ubuntu faggot


the presence of system32 enables swc mode so you'll have to delete it


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>Intel Core 2 Duo P8600

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>time to reinstall windows for the 60th time to avoid windows rot or however the bbc is sucked


Kill yourself obsessed Macintosh faggot


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why is it so superior?
>33 instructions / cycle decoding
>dsp-like processing speeds while executing general-purpose code
>infinite ilp when executing code ( ilp is FREE silicon-wise due to how VLIW works )

why does it cuck amgreed and intelaviv so hard?
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>muh itanic
just because intel is retarded doesn't mean the team behind MILL is


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You could have the worlds best VLIW ISA but the compiler is going to suck so hard and make the CPU unusable. I have never heard of "Mill" before and all the info on it online is from 2013 so I have to assume it's dead in the water.


>the compiler is bad
not the reason itanium failed
>the project is dead
it's alive but they lack funding (since they are retarded and they patent everything they make instead of making it open-source like risc V)


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compilers are more difficult to optimize for VLIW systems.

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GNUTards wish they could hit 3 1/3 years of uptime.
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probably because it isn't supported anymore doe


>even doe its still supported


>unsupported os more secure than supported os
what did chuddie mean by this?


>old laptop can't run a modern OS, but can run a shitty OS
mind: blown


it probably could run windows 7 or 8.1.

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what's on my sharty friends' nightstand?
for me it's pic related
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im a cracker thoughie


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for one of my classes


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awful thread but i'll post in it anyway
someone on /soy/ recommended this and i'm enjoying it so far


That's fucking tragic those were nice.


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i ❤ crushing leetcode problems in assembly
i ❤ crushing leetcode problems in assembly
i ❤ crushing leetcode problems in assembly
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java is Aryan.
assemblyniggers are stuck in the past, just like pajeets
on the other hand, javaGODS are using a futuristic language strictly designed by white men


>java is Aryan.
yet most java programmers are shitskins
0 relevant isas have ever been produced in africa, india or any other nigger infested country
x86 was handcrafted by WHITES


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>evendoe i do use java aswell
mostly for automation tools and scripts and minecraft stuff, hack client adons and the soycraft server plugin i maintain


fucking horrendous


If you're going to work that hard may as well use C++.

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why does need too many pins, WHYYY
also microcontroller thread
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what would be the best IMU for "recording" a roller coaster ride onto an SD card that isnt mil spec shit?
>MPU6050 salvaged from one of those zoom zoom hoverboard things that liked to go on fire only goes up to 16G but is a full IMU, hacked up the board to expose the I2C buss wires and the input of the AMS1117-33 voltage regulator
>ADXL375 is only an accelerometer but has a range of +-200G's
>ICM-40609-D is a full IMU, but it only goes up to 32G's
i may also design a screen and buttons into the case (pain as i can only use openscad lol)

ima go bash my head on the compiler and see if i can get the imu values to all display on the screen first before i proceed to get the sd level shifting board


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well that was easy and painless, no clue whats up with the accelerometer's z axis lol


mpu6050 is trash, I would use a bmi088 or lsm6dso, Adafruit sells a lsm6dso breakout, also honestly I would rather just log straight to a flash chip and then have serial prompt that allows you to read out the data to CSV in serial format. I did that for my datalogging instead of messing with a sd file system.


>The LSM6DSO has a full-scale acceleration range of ±2/±4/±8/±16 g and an angularrate range of ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000 dps.
anything higher? id much rather over engineer this thing instead of getting home to play with the logged data and find out its all garbage and maxxed out sensor readings


and for the flash thing... yea i have large MX25L128's but an sd is more convenient even if i am doing exactly what you did and just splattering data all over the sd and reading it with other software

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>windows is for the white man like me even though microsoft has an indian ceo and tries to fill in diversity quotas in order to increase their msg scores or however the streets are shitted on




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>mind broken just like how i broke my disk drive by fragmenting it fourteen times or whatever


>Bad magic number in Superblock while trying to open /dev/sda


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>0xb00b1355 is a bad magic number or whatever

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what are your opinions on plan9/9front?
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>it is still working to this day because OpenBSD still has suid on Xorg
meds, it was changed the release after
OpenBSD 6.5 release notes:
>Xorg(1), the X window server, is no longer installed setuid. xenodm(1) should be used to start X.
regardless, if you use X, you don't care about security anyway


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I thought OpenBSD did based code hacking sessions on features they don't like to fix them
turns out they just delete them, tell you to use Y instead, and talks about how your choice is wrong even tho it is included in the base install
instead of fixing these issues they would rather discuss ways to get new users on openbsd-advocacy, cool!


even linux users can tell you x is shit, if you really think it can be fixed then go try yourself


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I know that X is shit, I've also read UNIX-HATERS, I use plan9 for most of my stuff (mostly acme stuff), I just hate soyboys who go
>Xenocara is OpenBSD's fork of Xorg, therfor it is much more secure than Xorg even tho they changed nothing and it is just the ports system they inherented from netbsd, I also suck big yellow cock
also there stance on their code being "correct", because ofcourse correct code leads to poor SMP performance and a virtual machine hypervisor that works on only one core
back to the original question: I hate how they protray themselves as "hackers" who know that the only fix to "feature creep" is "aggressive surgery" and that "few developers outside openbsd have the guts and discipline required to rescue their code*, so I would wish for these "hackers" to go and fix Xorg.

*: https://pspodcasting.net/dan/blog/2020/complexity.pdf , I am giving a source from an openbsd USER not DEVELOPER because I actually have no problem with the developers, they actually know what they are doing as opposed to their average fanboy, but maybe they should get rid of openbsd-advocacy, now


I use openbsd (on an edge server only) because i like openbsd's relayd, httpd (except for the jail bs and broken cgi), smtpd, and acme-client and how they are integrated into the operating system. Quite aware of the shortcomings of OpenBSD though. UFS WILL corrupt if power is lost and WILL throw half the filesystem into lost+found, files are spread all over the place in stupid places like /usr/local/X11R6/usr/lib/bin/, jails in the default httpd config are unusable, disk io is dogshit, updating the system is weird, etc.

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