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your averrage arch butthurted mod
(https://gitlab.archlinux.org/jelle trollface irl toughtbait)
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>arch linux channel
>it's not the place
shatlinux uses systmed so it is the place


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dont talk shit about jelle, xim is so beautiful


>making fun of the jannies
>wow why am I k-lined????


hello jelle



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If space niggers exist in extremely close proximity to us then its over
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And you are wrong



Good thing I'm a space Aryan then


What if they are nice though


As in over i mean the fabric of soyciety would crumble and people would probably commit mass suicides an sheit

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Is it currently possible to get an offline AI model and feed it all of my text files to ask questions about them. I have about 8 years worth of notes and stuff

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The Mega Society says that nobody with an IQ below 170 has ever solved this.

Good luck.


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the ability to guess what shape the test writer was thinking about is intelligence because it just is okay?

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So many of you are mindbroken cult following retards who don't even engage in the development of technology, you just flounder around your shit takes. So many of you will literally not understand something, then jump to the opposing side so you can blame the said entity and not your undisciplined self

Freetards especially don't understand what they're talking about here, you often see them being outright wrong about shit they're sperging about, having never used it, they don't understand the intricacities of what they claim to "critique", and this is to their detriment. I understand sperging about muh jooz and having to pay money for shit, but the solution is not creating a cult, but recreating what the industry developed and then pushed forward. You guys don't have principles, you have a cult that you follow - probably for the social aspect of it, your actual views are loose but your ideology is set in stone, literally like trannies.

I am posting this in the hope that some retard will feel attacked and genuinely reconsider his beliefs, and maybe in the end do something with his life.
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>doesnt allow you to modify it and use it how you want
and why would you listen to that?


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i don't have any source code so i couldnt modify it even if i wanted to, i don't care about licenses and will redistribute nonfree software under the GPL if i get the source code for it.


hey guys, retard here; I say this and look like this


>words words words
die toddler



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I'm not well-versed in anime, but… Steins;gate?

Or David Icke?

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decided to try loonix since its being shilled so much on this board


errored while installing. neither stable, testing, or sid werked
installed but the dock disappeared minutes later
installed but all the icons disappeared minutes later
werked once and then started kernel panicking upon boot
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People say Linux is good but the amount of troubleshooting you have to do is insane


Clarifying it a little bit. If you are using UEFI/EFI and set your boot partition as anything but FAT32, your system would just not boot in 99% of the cases (some MB manufacturers support ntfw, but it's rare).
If you are on legacy BIOS than you have to make sure your partitions are MBR and not GPT. The installers probably should check it for you, but I'm not sure they do


meant NTFS


>kernel panic
re-run grub-mkconfig, you might have to re-run mkinitcpio, or just reinstall your kernel
pacman -S –overwrite "*" linux
and grub-mkconfig
if you use proprietary meme hardware that requires proprietary firmware, you should install linux-firmware as well as intel-ucode or amd-ucode, depending on what proprietary modern cpu you have
>all debian based garbage
well, this is why you dont use debian based distros.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention that
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 13182[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

why are you not using GEMtoo yet, /soy/?
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How is librewolf better than the arkenfox user.js? Genuine question because i dont know


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oh my gosh you guys are a literal zoo
edubuntu is gemmy albeit


1: because the Linux kernel is developed by troons, switch to the gigachad REAL unix, SystemV/BSD lineage
2: gentoo doesn't have their own Git instance, even if I literally hosted a build server I could not compete with a distro managed one, and GitHub, GitLab and what have you pulls retarded shit all the time
3: cause Funtoo is better
4: slackware packaging assumes less, so you can desoystemd your soystemd dependant apps without bludgeoning USE to be USEful
5: I don't want to waste time on my crappy Linux box CPU compiling or DistCC when I could be soytracing soyfaces


its not, literally just branding


its been moved to /sci/ we won /soy/

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>le loinux good even doe it doesn't run me games cuz… it just is ok?


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not a single good argument in that picture


It runs all games I want to play. The only games it doesn't play is games that use kernel level spyware that spies on all of your open processes, reading their memory and sends it to their servers.

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sirs how do i make a vichan board


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Its very fucking easy, Why are you even asking this question instead of installing composer?


this should be almost everything
make a mysql database for your imageboard
cd to your web root on a server with php installed
git clone github.com/vichan-devel/vichan
composer install
chown -R <web server user>:<web server user> *
open http://localhost/install.php
fill out what it asks for
then read config.php from top to bottom and edit inc/instance-config.php accordingly
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good advice, but remember to change the default password

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