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why are you not using GEMtoo yet, /soy/?
183 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i915, or if you have an external SPI flasher like a ch341a or raspberry pi, GM45
that means Core 2 Duo and some Core 2 Quad chipsets
intel added the IME in 2006 but only made it impossible to fully remove in 2008, which means that you can remove it if you open up your machine and manually flash your firmware externally, this is what you do with thinkpads


if you wanted to, sure
CRTs are based btw
but if you want to do anything 'modern' you can either get an old thinkpad (x200, t400, t500, w500, etc) compatible with libreboot, flash it, and enjoy your sturdy cheap meme computer


the only thing you can do is not use any technology but this schitzo is too addicted to his tranny hentai and cant stop using the internet


alternatively, RISC-V and POWER9 are work in progress, if you have money to waste and care about performance, you can get one of those meme machines that are only compatible with gentoo and openBSD because theyre not x86, they cost maybe 4000$ or so, not much more expensive than a modern gaeming computer, but far too expensive for just shitposting and doing low-performance work


hentai isnt kosher, i dont watch porn


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checking these dubs


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what will you do once your computer gets too old?


ill stick with windows


i will refuse to use the web 3.0, it cant get "too old"
the only reason why a computer gets ""too old"" is because software gets too bloated, but in reality it still accomplishes the exact same thing as 20 years ago, we still shitpost on the internet, use the same input devices, more or less the same hardware/interfaces/connectors (USB, PS/2, VGA), and still browse the same type of shitposting websites (imageboards)
the only thing that changed is the (((web 3.0))) with javascript cancer, and modern winkike bullshit being shoved down your throat
sure you have to go out of your way to install GNU now because winkike became way too bloated, but it still works the same way as unix did 30 years ago under the hood, and will never change.
it wont become too bloated either because of all the embedded computers, they trade performance for operating efficient, and drawing as little power or money as possible in production and use
thats where you actually have to optimize software to run well, and thats why bloated shitware will only be a thing on gaymer meme desktops and consoomer laptops/phones, but not embedded or professional/enterprise computing.


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>why are you not using GEMtoo yet, /soy/?


hello, based department?!


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>ill stick with windows


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even dough thats on the original image


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meds now


built for bbc




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i guess I can agree you on CRT because my current new monitor, has stain-ish like stuff even if I try my best to keep it as clean as possible (with the accurate method i was told at least), meanwhile theres no stain-ish stuff like or any related thing on my CRT screen (weird considering my family bought it like 22-24 years ago)
I also realized these screens get dusty way faster than my CRT


think outside the box. eventually your computer will break, battery will stop holding a charge, keyboards will wear out, etc and you will be needing replacement parts or another non-pozzed computer. they will not be around forever, eventually you will need to do something in order to have a functioning computer


thats because CRTs almost always have anti-mirroring/glare/dust/reflection coating on them
thats also why you cant clean them with acetone or isopropyl alcohol, only use glasses cleaning towels or liquid glasses cleaner, window cleaner probably also be fine but i use the same shit i use to clean my glasses, since they also have similar coatings, thus that stuff is designed to be careful with it
also, https://testufo.com
CRTs are better in MANY more ways than just that, go see for yourself.


whats wrong with pipewire doeie? it werks on my machine


i have over 40 thinkpads, and they last basically forever
some of them are new or almost new too, and they are proven to last AT LEAST 20 years, so even if they dont last another 20 years, the new thinkpads i have laying around will.
i think most of my thinkpad will outlive me, after that, not my problem.


pic with timestamp?


kikewire is pulse with more bullshit thrown on top, and its twice as broken
pukeaudio is just alsa with more shit thrown on top, and so on
if you play a flac with mpv and use –ao=pipewire youll get crackled audio and a ton of underruns, and it randomly dies all the time
the only reason why youd use this shit is because gayland trannies force it down your throat to even have webRTC screensharing bullshit working kek


theyre all in my basement so no timestamp but i showed pictures of them before


post a previous picture then


I'm an audiophileschizo and I've never noticed a loss of quality with flacs through mpv, might just be a you problem or something


even doe pipewire has less latency and generally better performance than pulseaudio on my machine


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and no, those arent nearly all of my thinkpads, thats about 1/4 of them, but they dont fit onto my sofa in one picture kek
theyre all taken apart because i was cleaning them at that time and repaired semi-broken ones


ironically its the other way around for me, but you should just use alsa if you dont have an actual reason to use pulse
try using kikewire, real-time kernel shit, and –vo=pipewire
it will crackle and have underruns, and no its not my "crappy hardware" it literally has -10 NICE and pulse/alsa can play back 4 flacs at once WHILE i play videogames just fine, kikewire acks without anything in the background


nice, very interesting indeed


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why do people still use this low res one?
heres the original two i made
(yes, kenny here)


who cares just use windows like a normal person


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You can do both thougheverbeit and also who’s this tranny you’re talking about


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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sorry but i need professional reliable computing, and not windows 'defender' malware that deletes my files because it feels like it


Just disable windows defender


More like GEMpoo


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because i genuinely dont care about it


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not possible, it will turn itself back on automatically, just like most other malware


>itoddler, smugcoal


How is librewolf better than the arkenfox user.js? Genuine question because i dont know


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oh my gosh you guys are a literal zoo
edubuntu is gemmy albeit


1: because the Linux kernel is developed by troons, switch to the gigachad REAL unix, SystemV/BSD lineage
2: gentoo doesn't have their own Git instance, even if I literally hosted a build server I could not compete with a distro managed one, and GitHub, GitLab and what have you pulls retarded shit all the time
3: cause Funtoo is better
4: slackware packaging assumes less, so you can desoystemd your soystemd dependant apps without bludgeoning USE to be USEful
5: I don't want to waste time on my crappy Linux box CPU compiling or DistCC when I could be soytracing soyfaces


its not, literally just branding


its been moved to /sci/ we won /soy/

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