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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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 13182[Last 50 Posts]

why are you not using GEMtoo yet, /soy/?


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delicious repentant unlucky feisty lame intensely ambulance sheet oatmeal wheat dog tell come behave suck


go back to /sci/ GNUschizo




im not him though, hes probably still asleep


arch better


But I have monterey installed


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>arch b-ACK!


i dont have an usb stick


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either way no one cares i wanna soypost GET OUT OF MY HECKIN COMFY SOYERINO BOARD


buy one, or just unpack a tarball on your root partition after reformatting it
any other hard drive will also work, or a CD/DVD if you have a drive for that


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>I have to compile my os to prevent glow niggers from finding my child po- I mean to protect my privacy rights or something to that extent


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GEMtoo is the comfiest way to post 'jaks
arch troons lost


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I have to compile my os to prevent glow niggers from finding my child po- I mean to protect my privacy rights or something to that extent


gnuschizo can you give me an alternative to tails since a guy i know got caught after the feds "somehow" cracked his password?


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gemmy browser


arch is better rope n cope bigot


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kek, see what happens if you run proprietary ""privacy and soycurity"" software on backdoored hardware?
there is no "alternative" because that would imply that tails was an option (its not)
pick any fully free OS you prefer, gemtoo if you deblob it, parabola, guix, trisquel, hyperbola, etc…
just make sure it doesnt have any blobs by default, and either kicks them out entirely, or lets you clearly define if you want or dont want blobs
debian did it this way for the most time, but now they cucked their policies (sadly)
gentoo still does it this way, but you have to tell it to only accept free loicenses
proprietary DRM blobfest, its not even libre you retard
you just buy everything they sell to you without questioning it
if you want a free firefuck fork, use iceweasel or icecat.


>proprietary DRM blobfest, its not even libre you retard
I have macOS Big Sur installed thoughie


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>kek, see what happens if you run proprietary ""privacy and soycurity"" software on backdoored hardware?
>there is no "alternative" because that would imply that tails was an option (its not)
>pick any fully free OS you prefer, gemtoo if you deblob it, parabola, guix, trisquel, hyperbola, etc…
>just make sure it doesnt have any blobs by default, and either kicks them out entirely, or lets you clearly define if you want or dont want blobs
>debian did it this way for the most time, but now they cucked their policies (sadly)
>gentoo still does it this way, but you have to tell it to only accept free loicenses
>proprietary DRM blobfest, its not even libre you retard
>you just buy everything they sell to you without questioning it
>if you want a free firefuck fork, use iceweasel or icecat.


i would rather use windows or ubuntu. i dont need gentoo


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>big sir


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both are useless and broken


Because I'm white




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>Because I'm white


so what software do i use to encrypt my stuff?


no one is reading all of that shit


Sir that Librewolf install was free
what do you mean I buy shit without questioning?


depends, for file containers, whole partitions/drives, and anything similar to that, LUKS (cryptsetup)
for single files or strings of text, especially stuff you want to share with people on the internet without having to rely on passwords and all that shit, PGP (gpg)


>having this many archjaks
rent free


"buy" in terms of "believe", not pay
its nonfree, it contains all the proprietary DRM and tracking bullshit, but merely "disables" it, yet compiles it into the binary
thats also why freetard distros dont include it


TSMT, archGODS live rent free in gentoo user's heads


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>r-rent free!!


I don't find it appealing


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arch is proprietary thoughie


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i use windows vista with extended kernel


how so?
if you dont like something, change it


no way this guy is serious


I literally don't care, it runs better than safari
I bought this used 2015 Macbook pro for a reason albeit


gnuschizo how do i unglow tor so feds cant see the stuff i do there


>implying wintoddlers can even modify their kernels



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kek enjoy your defective overpriced childs toy
thinkpadGODS mog you


>Tranny projects with troonjak
Many such cases


dont use torah brousah, its backdoored
and if you wanna use tor, assume that all relays you connected to are ran by feds
use proxies in combination with tor, and dont enable fucking js
run a tor daemon and connect to as SOCKS5 proxy in whatever browser you wanna use, or use torsocks/proxychains for that




>module cope
enjoy your shitty performance lmao


plebbit post only mentions size not model year
Therefore you're wrong


>gentroon giving advice to pedos
many such cases


reminder that gnuschizo doesn't use gentoo despite his shilling for it




What browser do i use after installing gentoo doe


it literally is
pacman -Qi linux
go tell me how big your kernel is and what version it is
now do the same on parabola but for linux-libre, which is the exact same except without proprietary blobs
it will be roughly 73MiB less, so 105MiB in size total
in other words, your vanilla lunix kernel is 73MiB proprietary software and only 105MiB kernel binary, at least thats how it was last time i checked, the sizes probably changed a bit now that there has been some cleanup and r*st fuckup
besides, arch trannies literally have pisscord in their repos…
dont try to tell me that this is freedom respecting in any way, when it pre installs proprietary shitware anywhere you look.


I know very well that he doesn't use gentoo because he revealed his actual desktop + linux distro some time ago


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>i don't know how to hide threads so i must waste my time spamming threads i don't like


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compile firefuck yourself and kick out all the blobberino/drm/telemetry bullshit, gemtoo has USE flags and all the other things for such customization you know
other distros lack this, because youre usually not meant to build everything from source.
if you use parabola and are an arch tranny, iceweasel
otherwise if you just need a browser without JS bullshit, elinks is pretty nice




this thread is shit and it's getting alot of replies(the people in this thread could be replying to threads that are actually good instead)
so i will spam it until you stop replying


respond to me nigger


maybe make threads on the board where people actually give a shit and you won't get spammed


yeah i run parabola on my main thinkpad because gemtoo requires too much time to maintain in a working state, its for customizing everything if you have enough time to do that, not if youre trying to study shit and have everything just work, although with a bit less performance and less customization options


you could just let it die instead of bumping it you know


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latest M1 fagbooks whenever that post was made


>he doesnt know that i just hide all the spam
kek, he really tries…


Die scriptroon


nikotroondo avocoaldo


you are an actual low IQ gorilla monkey
I told you it was a 2015 intel model not a shitty 2020 M1
Literally proving me right


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was it?
well i dont know jackshit about iShit, i just copypaste that crap to laugh at iToddlers
its not like i would let their models or mental retardation version system live rent free in my head
but thanks for letting me know


Even from the store I bought the laptop from they told me that the 2020 M1's had problems with the display cracking
I don't buy stuff from apple unless those things have proven reliability


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>proven to be reliable
kek, i cant remember a single reliable thing crapple made after the original mac maybe, and their CRTs were cheap garbage as well
>plebbit larper
>uses plebbit, which is proprietary software
>shits on proprietary software
this is how you know hes larping, its the same as some faggot with a macbook and a "smash capitalism" sticker on it.


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mods avatarfagging is literally banned in the rules


can't install in on a phone


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Tsmt, ban this nigger


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>mods avatarfagging is literally banned in the rules
as if GNU was namefagging, it literally powers 96.3% of the entire internet you idiot


Why do niggers seethe at this thread so much?


this is how you know that a device is defective
gemtoo literally supports RISC-V, PPC, ARM, and pretty much any other architecture under the sun
how come your crappy proprietoddler phone still cant run it?


you're a fucking retard
it's avatarfagging not namefagging
you are constantly avatarfagging and attention whoring on this board when you literally have a containment board


I use linux (artix) as well but i fuckin hate costant attention whoring, guess your mother didn't love you enough



>blabla avatar/namefagging le bad
same thing, gemtoo isnt an avatar, there are thousands of people using it, if anything, then windows would be avatarfagging because there are more people using GNU than windows, especially on the sharty.


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Not FSF approved THOE




im too afraid that i wont know how to do basic stuff on it and will panic


iOS is better anyway than some tranny os


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shartix is literal spyware
here is proof for it phoning home on a clean guishit installation, this was tested about a year ago or so, just throw it into wireshark.




This isn't avatarfagging, retard


Nigga it's checking for updates




gentoo sisters this is your mindset


mental gymnastics faggot kill yourself
you are constantly talking about this shit and you're the only person who posts the same 4 images nonstop with the same filenames on this board
you are an avatarfagging nigger


Freudian slip


i know that there are at least 2 other gemtoo posters who arent me, plus some other gemtoo chuds who may or may not be the same
youre acting as if there was only a single person using gemtoo on the entire internet kek


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>I transheart draining my poor mommy pockets for the electicity bills for my 10 hours overnight compilation or something, the pervormance has been improved by 0.00000000001%


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enjoy your botnet lmao
you cant even run your own software on that shit KEK, let alone do anything productive like compiling software…


this faggot acts like an eceleb and then gets mad if you call him an avatarfag



it's enough for browsing bald men with glasses site


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tech illiterate here
should i move my existing files to a an usb stick before installing a new os? or will it be moved automatically


don't use le meme distro


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>spyware and analytics on my OS?????


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DOXXX XER!!!!!!!!


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there are more trannies using windows than gemtoo, in fact, microshaft OFFICIALLY endorses faggotry and shoves it down your throat


someone 'shop sharty to the monitor PLEASE


answer me nigger


kys tranny freaks


kenny isnt me, and the other gentoochud isnt me either
take your meds, NOW


ackchyualley, its not.
first of all there are no auto updates and there shouldnt be any, you do this with pacman -Syu
second, this is supposedly connman phoning home to check your internet connection
it should at least ask the user or warn you that it will do that instead of glowniggering you without asking


even doe i pirate electricity anyway so it literally doesnt matter
the more electricity i consume and the more i empty the power jews' pockets, the better.


I think you should be the one taking your meds


do you even have a keyboard to write shit with, or can you even use your own custom file picker to save time and not lag around in a scrolly piece of shit?
can you even rename files without it being a pain in the ass?
do you even have a terminal?
can you even play webms?
kek, youre pathetic.
a terminal web browser from 1990 is better at shitposting on a bald man website than the latest iShit, unironically.


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first of all you install your OS manually and completely repartition your disks because NTFS/FAT are terrible file systems
that means you will wipe your whole drive, or if you do it manually, the partition(s) or region you specify
so back anything you want to wipe/replace up first
also, if you back your files up to a usb drive, either use ventoy and throw your lunix iso on there along with your backups, or use a separate usb drive
throwing your backups into the same partition as your lunix boot drive needs to boot your OS is a bad idea, and writing an ISO to your usb drive will overwrite everything that was on it beforehand, if youre not just using ventoy and copypaste the iso file as it is


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>do you even have a keyboard to write shit with, or can you even use your own custom file picker to save time and not lag around in a scrolly piece of shit?
>can you even rename files without it being a pain in the ass?
>do you even have a terminal?
>can you even play webms?
>kek, youre pathetic.
>a terminal web browser from 1990 is better at shitposting on a bald man website than the latest iShit, unironically.


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spyware and analytics on my OS?????


this tranny is already browsing the sharty doe, go ask him to take a picture of his gay faggot legs with the sharty open if you want
hes a larper and only bought a T60 because hes too poor and/or retarded to get an X200 and libreboot it, and too poor to afford a GPU with a VGA port so he can hook his dumpster CRT up to it just to LARP
he runs steam, pisscord, and all the other proprietary shitware, and all he does is LARP to give free software a bad name


Reminder that Gentoo will never get even close to 1% market share no matter what this faggot says or does


xhe's cute


its used a lot in embedded computing where the last 0.001% of performance actually matters


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hes a disgusting faggot


Name them then


hey gnunigger what linux distro should i use if im retarded (basically no arch or gentoo)


yeah but xhe's a cute kind of disgusting faggot


nigga i just want whatever os that wont consume a shitton of my memory even when i have a good pc


chromiumOS/chromeOS, embedded shit like bank ATMs, ticked vending machines, or vending machines in general
aeroplanes and their onboard computers
most of the computers on the ISS, i think all the thinkpads on there actually run debian because theyre not embedded untouched systems


windows vista


>if im retarded
if you know how to use a keyboard and read a wiki, but dont care about freedom, arch
if you care about freedom but are still retarded, parabola
if you arent retarded but care about freedom (or dont), and want to customize everything, gemtoo
if you dont know what a config file is, and dont know what freedom means, mint




they just use LFS retard>>13313


windows vista you use


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literally any lunix distro that lets you set up your shit by yourself, which means you install your own window manager or DE, pick if you want alsa kikewire or pulse, can kick out dbus and guhnome bullshit if you dont want it, etc etc
just dont fall for the gayland meme, its bloated and slow as fuck, and broken as well.


windows vista won


xim is kinda cute but i onestly dont care, i have found xis city (Gyor Hungery) xis school (Jedlik Anyos) but i wont release the full dox since i dont want xim to kxs.


too complicated, why make your life harder and manually rewrite all the shit gentoo devs already wrote for you anyway?
gentoo is basically lfs but with repos and a working package manager, as well as advanced configs to make your life easy


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Linux is for trannies


if you cared about him and dont want him to kill himself you'd release his dox to get him off the internet for good, so he becomes normal again and doesnt get suicided by tranny groomers


post your make.conf


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>lunix is for tr-ACK!



ik but i dont know xim is going to react, im also christian and im onestly doing this for xim, but again trannies are very fragile and i dont know how the reaction is going to be.


I'm using pre tranny windows


windows XP won


Windows 3.1 won


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>heh look at me im so cool for using a broken outdated abandonware OS that cant even run firefuck anymore


even tho you can run modern firefuck on xp


he is basically guaranteed to ack if you dont do something
its just a matter of time, the more you wait the higher the chance is
for now, his chance to ack if you get him off the internet is relatively low


also im stuck with the dox, are you experienced with them so you might give me some advice?


schizos like you literally recommend dusted and ancient hardware


Windows 10 without spyware


>firefox 52 from 2017 le modern… because i said so


none of these run gentoo except chromeos


im talking about latest version of firefox are you retarded?


shes right



If I really cared about privacy or whatever then I’d just hook up a usb with Tails OS to my (windows) computer and then use that instead of installing some crappy Linux software on my pc


xp can't run it


depends, im autistic and will manually throw images into hex editors and de-blur low res images to figure out where he lives, figuring out a house layout and going through house listings to find out where he lives and all that shit


meds and BWC


windows 10 is spyware by nature, to remove the spyware you'd have to uninstall windows 10
you dont even have the source code kek


do you have a peer reviewed study to back up your claims?


works on my machine


why no system wide USE flags? like disabling gnome/kde/x or whatever




first of all tails is proprietary, its backdoored by feds and WILL cuck you.
second, your hardware is backdoored by the intel ME or AMD PSP if you have anything made by intel after 2006
third, tails is a shitty unusable lunix distro
oh yeah and winkike will coldboot you, so enjoy your botnet faggot



why would i need to manually break shit if i can just not install it?
i dont care about having gtk shit if i need it, i need kde shit for kdenlive for example


post a screenshot


here is the screenshot


>your hardware is backdoored by the intel ME or AMD PSP if you have anything made by intel after 2006
what computer do you use then? a pentium 4?


So what else are you supposed to do if everything about a computer is backdoored or has telemetry or something


so you want me to use my late 90s/early 2000s computer with Philips CRT instead?


i915, or if you have an external SPI flasher like a ch341a or raspberry pi, GM45
that means Core 2 Duo and some Core 2 Quad chipsets
intel added the IME in 2006 but only made it impossible to fully remove in 2008, which means that you can remove it if you open up your machine and manually flash your firmware externally, this is what you do with thinkpads


if you wanted to, sure
CRTs are based btw
but if you want to do anything 'modern' you can either get an old thinkpad (x200, t400, t500, w500, etc) compatible with libreboot, flash it, and enjoy your sturdy cheap meme computer


the only thing you can do is not use any technology but this schitzo is too addicted to his tranny hentai and cant stop using the internet


alternatively, RISC-V and POWER9 are work in progress, if you have money to waste and care about performance, you can get one of those meme machines that are only compatible with gentoo and openBSD because theyre not x86, they cost maybe 4000$ or so, not much more expensive than a modern gaeming computer, but far too expensive for just shitposting and doing low-performance work


hentai isnt kosher, i dont watch porn


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checking these dubs


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what will you do once your computer gets too old?


ill stick with windows


i will refuse to use the web 3.0, it cant get "too old"
the only reason why a computer gets ""too old"" is because software gets too bloated, but in reality it still accomplishes the exact same thing as 20 years ago, we still shitpost on the internet, use the same input devices, more or less the same hardware/interfaces/connectors (USB, PS/2, VGA), and still browse the same type of shitposting websites (imageboards)
the only thing that changed is the (((web 3.0))) with javascript cancer, and modern winkike bullshit being shoved down your throat
sure you have to go out of your way to install GNU now because winkike became way too bloated, but it still works the same way as unix did 30 years ago under the hood, and will never change.
it wont become too bloated either because of all the embedded computers, they trade performance for operating efficient, and drawing as little power or money as possible in production and use
thats where you actually have to optimize software to run well, and thats why bloated shitware will only be a thing on gaymer meme desktops and consoomer laptops/phones, but not embedded or professional/enterprise computing.


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>why are you not using GEMtoo yet, /soy/?


hello, based department?!


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>ill stick with windows


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even dough thats on the original image


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meds now


built for bbc




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i guess I can agree you on CRT because my current new monitor, has stain-ish like stuff even if I try my best to keep it as clean as possible (with the accurate method i was told at least), meanwhile theres no stain-ish stuff like or any related thing on my CRT screen (weird considering my family bought it like 22-24 years ago)
I also realized these screens get dusty way faster than my CRT


think outside the box. eventually your computer will break, battery will stop holding a charge, keyboards will wear out, etc and you will be needing replacement parts or another non-pozzed computer. they will not be around forever, eventually you will need to do something in order to have a functioning computer


thats because CRTs almost always have anti-mirroring/glare/dust/reflection coating on them
thats also why you cant clean them with acetone or isopropyl alcohol, only use glasses cleaning towels or liquid glasses cleaner, window cleaner probably also be fine but i use the same shit i use to clean my glasses, since they also have similar coatings, thus that stuff is designed to be careful with it
also, https://testufo.com
CRTs are better in MANY more ways than just that, go see for yourself.


whats wrong with pipewire doeie? it werks on my machine


i have over 40 thinkpads, and they last basically forever
some of them are new or almost new too, and they are proven to last AT LEAST 20 years, so even if they dont last another 20 years, the new thinkpads i have laying around will.
i think most of my thinkpad will outlive me, after that, not my problem.


pic with timestamp?


kikewire is pulse with more bullshit thrown on top, and its twice as broken
pukeaudio is just alsa with more shit thrown on top, and so on
if you play a flac with mpv and use –ao=pipewire youll get crackled audio and a ton of underruns, and it randomly dies all the time
the only reason why youd use this shit is because gayland trannies force it down your throat to even have webRTC screensharing bullshit working kek


theyre all in my basement so no timestamp but i showed pictures of them before


post a previous picture then


I'm an audiophileschizo and I've never noticed a loss of quality with flacs through mpv, might just be a you problem or something


even doe pipewire has less latency and generally better performance than pulseaudio on my machine


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and no, those arent nearly all of my thinkpads, thats about 1/4 of them, but they dont fit onto my sofa in one picture kek
theyre all taken apart because i was cleaning them at that time and repaired semi-broken ones


ironically its the other way around for me, but you should just use alsa if you dont have an actual reason to use pulse
try using kikewire, real-time kernel shit, and –vo=pipewire
it will crackle and have underruns, and no its not my "crappy hardware" it literally has -10 NICE and pulse/alsa can play back 4 flacs at once WHILE i play videogames just fine, kikewire acks without anything in the background


nice, very interesting indeed


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why do people still use this low res one?
heres the original two i made
(yes, kenny here)


who cares just use windows like a normal person


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You can do both thougheverbeit and also who’s this tranny you’re talking about


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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sorry but i need professional reliable computing, and not windows 'defender' malware that deletes my files because it feels like it


Just disable windows defender


More like GEMpoo


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because i genuinely dont care about it


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not possible, it will turn itself back on automatically, just like most other malware


>itoddler, smugcoal


How is librewolf better than the arkenfox user.js? Genuine question because i dont know


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oh my gosh you guys are a literal zoo
edubuntu is gemmy albeit


1: because the Linux kernel is developed by troons, switch to the gigachad REAL unix, SystemV/BSD lineage
2: gentoo doesn't have their own Git instance, even if I literally hosted a build server I could not compete with a distro managed one, and GitHub, GitLab and what have you pulls retarded shit all the time
3: cause Funtoo is better
4: slackware packaging assumes less, so you can desoystemd your soystemd dependant apps without bludgeoning USE to be USEful
5: I don't want to waste time on my crappy Linux box CPU compiling or DistCC when I could be soytracing soyfaces


its not, literally just branding


its been moved to /sci/ we won /soy/

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