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What do gentoo/parabola do that Ubuntu can't?
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At least that’s what I’ve been told by some people on this board. Did some more research, apparently the backend is proprietary.


which doesn't mean anything because it does not run on your computer.


USE flags, all the configs, compiling everything from scratch but without it being a pain in the ass, automating nearly everything, PKGBUILDs/ebuilds, AUR, only requiring one package manager instead of 4, and needing 0-1 installations of GNOME instead of 10+ since you wont need flatpak or snap cancer\
also, customize all your shit, choose between lets say alsa and pukeaudio, or lets say kikewire if you really wanted to use that for some reason
picking between soystemdick or openrc, or whatever else you want to slap onto it
heck jewbuntu doesnt even let you pick your own WM/DE
on gentoo or parabola/arch you get a tty and install your own WM/DE, or live in a terminal if you prefer that


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nuh uh

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I want to do something. Where should I start, whether it be code or anything.


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what do you fags think about iptv?

for those who dont know iptv (the stylization for Internet Protocol Television) is the delivery of TV content and TV channels over TCP IP networks.

the usage of iptv is mostly used illegally by african immigrants in the dangerous areas of any popular european country, but iptv isn't illegal perself, as it has been used by major tv providers such as Sky in the past.
So tell me yours on this, wanna hear it. I've linked a photo of what a generic IPTV list should look like.
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>fallling for the iptv meme


I use it for random porn



let me guess, another spyware?


Just google iptv porn .m3u playlist. There are a lot of them out there.
It's usually just pornhub videos restreams, but it's fun to goon to it sometimes

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2 more weeks


linuxbros, our response?


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>I have gotta spend 1488 years writing code for turd mentality operating system or something

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post 'em
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I literally removed all color except white from my dwm though, either take your meds or show me the lgbt flag in my screenshot that isnt sarcastic neofetch, lolcow, cmatrix or soyaks
>inb4 your wallpaper is full of colors
so all most wallpapers
>inb4 wallpapers are… le bad
at this point you can just fuck off to tty and never come back

also I removed things like unused tags and title bar because it is \bloat\
I need to know my RAM because I've got only 8 gigs of it, I have to manage it quite frequently
uptime is the only useless thing on my slstatus
weird how you didnt mention it


wallpapers are bad and gay. all you need is a black/white background.

Made through Tor


black/white is bloat. all you need is a transparent background


i knew you were a tranny

Made through Tor


>not hyprland

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oh nononononono linuxtrannies… IT'S OVER FOR US!!
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average windows user


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>average GNU+Linux-libre user


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>average windows user




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 862[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pray to god the catty isn't wiped again edition.

ok listen up, i have a rather ambitious plan, what if we made our own doom WAD? we could replace the sprites of the enemies, make new levels and add more guns

does anyone here have expierience in modding doom? if so, we will discuss the creation of this WAD

Doom modding guide for retarded chuds
First off, get doom 2. https://archive.org/details/2020_03_22_DOOM
Secondly, get gzdoom, SLADE and doombuilder.
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Lol did you write this?


Does it difficult to implement pickup/drop system for weapons ? Maybe it will be more versatile and better idea in the long run, since you can add shitton of hilarious weapons and basically you can pickup and try them all, plus you can create your own loadouts/combinations which suits your gameplay style.

Because one of main cons about Moonman wad is that all player weapons was the same with slightly different fire/damage mode.


i need the wad NOW


An inventory system is not planned. I believe the existent custom weapons fill in certain niches that compliment Doomguy's already well-rounded arsenal. Adding more weapons than that will most likely create unnecessary bloat. Besides, inventory systems are usually implemented when carrying capacity is limited (Halo's two gun system, Fallout's weight limit, etc.).

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i have two old thinkpads from my previous employer that i stole and am not going to return to them. however, i can't login to them.
can i still go about factory resetting them and installing linux?
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arch has an install script now albeit. if you get guhnome it requires basically no maintenance unless you fuck something up


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>in that case, what's an ideal starter linux distro for a wintoddler to transition with?


idk I use mx Linux and it werks


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If you have a hard drive enclosure, try taking the hard drives out of the laptops and then putting them into the enclosure. Then connect the enclosure to your normal computer (assuming you have one). To wipe it, you could try reformatting it but if that doesn't work try going into the command prompt and running diskpart for wiping the drives squeaky clean. Afterwards you'll need to initialize, partition, and format the hard drive to be able to use it. You may have to experiment with the partitioning a little for installing linux but idk. Now you can put the hard drives back into their respective laptops. Then you will have to enter the BIOS/utility setup in those laptops and change the boot priority so that usb/thumb drives are at the top of the list.

As for linux, there are a plethora of linux-type operating systems that all serve different purposes.
Installing a linux OS should be dirt easy, simply download the ISO image for the OS of your choice, and then plug a thumb drive into your computer and use a program like balena etcher (warning: although simple to use this program is shitty at times) or rufus to burn the ISO image to the thumb drive. Then stick it into the laptops, turn them on, and something should pop up hopefully. Hope everything goes gemmy!


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why is it so superior?


it isnt


literally is CHUD


orthogonality but no virtualization until 68010.

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when were you first banned on /g/?
for me it was 5 minutes ago
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keyed wintoddler for once


I got banned for 'raid' once because tranny jannies don't like gnu/linux libre


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About 80 of these 90 bans were from /g/



Made through Tor


keyed as fuck

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