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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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Can you please talk about anything other than Linux shit good lord maybe computer science or soyence please I get it windows is jewish
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2016 coal


Trump code doe


be the change you wanna see


lunix is computer soyence doe
and computer soyence will never be real soyence

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Imagine if it was possible to make hardware at home
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CPU design at home is actually possible, something like a GPU on the other hand is insanely expensive, time consuming, and challenging


depends what you mean by GPU. It's pretty easy to bitbang VGA


a custom cpu bitbanging vga is really hard if you’re planning on using a resolution higher than 120p.
the gigatron ttl could bitbang vga but the bitbanging routines waste 70% of the cpu cycles just driving vga.
a simple video card isn’t that complex, but I’m looking into using a tft driver (FT81x) to drive a vga signal.
all you need is a reliable spi interface (you can bitbang it, I’m not sure if you could do it fast enough) and some cheap level shifters (not sure if they cause delays or noise in the connection) and a resistor ladder for the driver’s output.
it can drive all sorts of resolutions thanks to a presettable hsync/ vsync delay.


The ZX80 and ZX81 did it. And its trivial to implement a VHDL sync generator.


the zx80 couldn’t run BASIC programs and drive video at the same time. also crt timings are slower than vga timings

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math is neither soyence nor technology doe


It just is true alright


go to /math/


It is soyence although


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I'm not devoting 10 years to this I'll rather make swastikas and random shit on graphing calculators

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>yes go get yourself a crt monitor and dose yourself with radiation on a daily basis it's good for you!


geg they really say this


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>yes goyim just go outside and douse yourself in all the harmful radiation let off by the sun

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>//uniform vec3 t;
>//vec2 R=vec2(t.y,t.z);
>float f(vec3 i,vec3 y){vec3 v=abs(i)-y;
> return max(max(v.x,v.y),v.z);
>float v=1.856,i,m,z,x,y,w,e=1.,c,s,r=0.,A=38.;
>vec3 l=vec3(2.26,18.56,-4.46),n=vec3(-1.67,25,3),o=vec3(8,2,3),u=vec3(4.26,17,5),d;
>int a;
>const vec2 p[]=vec2[10](vec2(0,0),vec2(13,25),vec2(-.8,-6.25),vec2(2,16),vec2(46,30),vec2(33,14),vec2(13,10),vec2(0,10),vec2(-20,15),vec2(-32,13));
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>inb4 gets banned for line spam because doll didnt add code tags yet

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name ONE free software developer as based as this guy


Andreas Kling. Also not using your trannyware DE. I'm sticking to KDE regardless of all the retarded bugs and krashes as at least it's not anti-user built from the ground up for shitbooks. Gnome is so garbage Arch devs want to move it to the AUR and Gnomes own devs use macos.


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vid rel


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lmao poor guy

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If Unix-likes are so fucking wonderful, why do none of them have Active Directory comparable to even Windows XP home?




Indian IP

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How do I go about learning the practical knowledge needed to effectively use gentoo?
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>mutable distro


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hello mental outlaw


how smooth does gentoo run on such an old cpu?


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He won

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Considering getting a Thinkpad and leaning towards corebooting the W530 and doing some other things like replacing the keyboard with the classic. What am I in for?
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most girls your age (we all know it isn't 12) are getting their first boyfriend, studying in school, spending time with their friends…. and you're here seething over imaginary laptops
Get a grip man, its kinda sad.


xhe needs BBC BVLL it can fixs xhem




yes its obivious NIGGERS are not human they are subhumans but male NIGGERS have BBC and huwite womın taking BBC is hottest thing in the world

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, as presented in the book Fundamentals, can stimulate a brain hemisphere to the point that it causes a twitching on a designated part of the human anatomical structure. This is in which the recipient can plan to twitch one side, like a wrist, and the TMS structure would actually stimulate said brain hemisphere to enact a twitching on the opposite side, negating the first twitch. ==And get this, the recipient, when the TMS negates their twitching, would think that they actually changed their minds.==


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They do the same thing with vaccines, chemtrails and 5G

load up people with metal particles until they become easy to manipulate with 5G and other Direct Energy Weapons at a distance


neighbour that's nuts

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