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Take the blindfold off the populace.
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Earth is round and its hollow.


pin this


do this

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'teens why is it do hard to update thunderbolt firmware on a t480? Am I retarded?
>nvm thunderbolt version 14.0
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what do you need thunderbolt for


So the ports dont kill tmeselves. Including the usbc so I dont lose the ability to charge the thing. You need firmware version above 20.0 I believe.


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the ports kill themselves? Do I have to do this to my t470s too?


It wouldnt hurt to check what your firmware version is. If its above 20.0 you should be okay

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is lua a gemmy programming language or


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rigid yearly quizzical super harmful rusty wooden humongous swiftly uselessly brake person telephone reorganize double


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>this is not enabled by default
>i've been using the shitty default firefox filepicker for months
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but they can* intentionally


>fallling for the linux meme


people have noticed, why the hell do you think does ""ungoogled"" chromium exist if it wasnt shady?
>its impossible hurr durr
people dont care about it and think its suddenly ok if something is spyware just because a big company does it
yeah, lunix is shit, go use linux-libre or hurd


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> linux-libre


tranny cope
francis pretends that 2 megs of proprietary firmware are the same as 2KiB of burned in microcode on a secondary CPU

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Why do boomers care so much about organizing files in folders using hierarchy? They even write articles like that
Where am I supposed to put a book about mathematical biology with programs if I can have only Mathematics, Programming and Biology folders? How much time should I spend to reorder files? Doesn't it kill all kind of creativity when you cannot create more complex connections?

Instead that I can have program like Calibre with tags, searching, filtering in different ways.

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If you own a mobile phone you are a normalfag who can't bare going any length of time without gossipping with your friends or playing candycrush or whatever phoneniggers do. Yes even so-called "dumb phones" datamine the shit out of you in the cell towers, this is all public knowledge btw. Long live the eternal science of Marxism-Leninism.
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>Long live the eternal science of Marxism-Leninism


Nigga I'm Nuts


ez bait


idc nigger


How are you going to use your laptop in public transport?

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has anyone of you used Trinity desktop enviroment?

>marge whats Trinity desktop

its a fork of KDE3

its kinda lightweight doe
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I've used it for a few months on GEMtoo, it was okayish. It's not as comfy as it looks like, configuration is very clunky and you feel the weight of outdated system pressing down on you, more often then not you just end up serving it and not it serving you. Qt3 is also rather unpleasant to work with. All around it's usable but I'd recommend LXQT if you want something minimal yet full-featured and classy.


Is it gemmy though?


It is gemmy, although you pay a price for that. What distro are you using? It's really simple to install on openSUSE


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Your picrel is deboonked, I installed dolphin and checked the "about KDE"


baller as fuck, but it broke on me 2 times now

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I saw a calculator with python. I'm very confused can it run code?


ti-nspire2 runs its own portable version of python, same with the fancy new color ti84+ ce
but its shitty and on the ce you have to upgrade to an update that removes support for running your own machine code (yes im not fucking kidding) so its worth nothing

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TIL that a fellow redditor did a thing. He TIFU and forever changed the English dictionary by putting the L in Lymphatic system. He was only today years old when Darwin decided Scienceaven needed a new tardigrade. Please leave your thoughts and peer reviewed documents in the comments 🙏 [History & Science] (2023 B.C.E



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IT'S so over.
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Vegas is soulful, its one of the things I miss from when I was a windows user. No open sores program can emulate that certain kind of "fun" windows software that well


>fallling for the linux meme

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