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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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>this is not enabled by default
>i've been using the shitty default firefox filepicker for months


Since I have a distro made for normal people I don't have these kinds of problems


arch is the nigger of linux distros


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gnome is good


that's what you get for using trannyfox instead of ungoogled chromium


its impossible to audit, let alone unjewgle chromium
otherwise manifest v3 wouldnt be a problem
the source tree is almost 4 gigs holy fuck


>its impossible to audit
you dont have to do it yourself and teams of people more skilled, intelligent and capable than you'll ever be have already checked for datamining for you
it's not like firefox is any smaller anyways
>manifest v3
schizo meme that will have no repercussions in the real world
even the uBlock devs say its all hysteria


>durr hurr you dont have to audit it yourself just trust jewgle engineers who are muuch more skilled and can totally be trusted goyim
still sticking to freedom respecting browsers like elinks


you dont read all the software you use obviously


i read all the important shit, like my web browser or core utils, and important parts of my kernel


either LARP or actual autism


actual autism


>teams of people more skilled, intelligent and capable than you'll ever be have already checked for datamining for you
I used to work on a fork of chromium at work and I believe that nobody except google is aware of everything in the code. Chromium gets thousands of commits every month, and they refactor everything very often. It's basically impossible to follow all of the changes.


actual autism


this, as if a 4 gig source tree wasnt already bad enough
either you make a hard fork and kill any future compatibility with extensions, websites, etc… or cope with jewgles bullshit
or, dont use chromium.


yeah but if there was something shady going on someone would notice.
no one can know the whole system but with all the eyes that there are on the source code it's impossible for jewgle to do anything too scummy


They cant write something that is obviously shady yes, but they cant intentionally write bugs that lead to buffer overflow and privilege escalation for glowies to abuse. Im not schizo so I dont think they do that, but it's not hard to do.


but they can* intentionally


>fallling for the linux meme


people have noticed, why the hell do you think does ""ungoogled"" chromium exist if it wasnt shady?
>its impossible hurr durr
people dont care about it and think its suddenly ok if something is spyware just because a big company does it
yeah, lunix is shit, go use linux-libre or hurd


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> linux-libre


tranny cope
francis pretends that 2 megs of proprietary firmware are the same as 2KiB of burned in microcode on a secondary CPU

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