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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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MINES IS A 89 90 1
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5 85 90



how does that look like


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i'm not a chemist

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Do you think we'll ever be able to set foot in galaxies different from our own such as Andromeda or Triangulum?




In ~10 years our IQ will be equal to people in the middle ages, we won't even make it to other planets


earth's flat albiet

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Stop frying your corneas and buy a E-ink monitor already.
28 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




E-ink gemerald thread


I want one


I wish


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Wish wish upon a lucky star.

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Let's all discuss these new industry changing GPU's.
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Teething issues, I'm sure they'll work it out. Regardless though I prefer AMD for graphics too.

They're a fun meme I guess.


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It's only getting better from here on out intel sisters.


are the drivers for Linux any good or are they Nvidia-tier?


Dunno but their more modern CPU's work just fine though with very few hickups.


The GPU that saved gaming.

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Nerds deserve to be bullied because they are weak and pathetic.
Nerds think they can live an easy life by not doing sports and going to the gym. They're wrong.
You know what happens when you let them continue on the way they do without interference? They troon out.
We have to be there to bully them to make their lives harder and to straighten them out.
Suffering creates strength. No suffering creates decay.


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>Nerds deserve to be bullied because they are weak and pathetic.
Nerds think they can live an easy life by not doing sports and going to the gym. They're wrong.
You know what happens when you let them continue on the way they do without interference? They troon out.
We have to be there to bully them to make their lives harder and to straighten them out.
Suffering creates strength. No suffering creates decay.


Greentext FAIL!

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linux-libre won
troonix lost


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the only difference is that linux-libre has terrible hardware support.


linux-libre won even tho idk the difference



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>tiling window managers


the tilingcord won't like this one

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>oh my torvalds, systemd version 300 finally released with integrated flatpak support! lunix is saved!
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i kekked


https://github.com/lilyball this is the shit devs you support, JEJ
just stay connected to the network, the fuck're you gonna do on a home PC without the internet anyways
fuck off gayland supporting nigger, you have the gall to shill windows, gaben jewell, and a distro literally led by a troon. might as well sing your praises to lennart pottering, havok pennington and the other redhatfags right?


it worked for the ps1


a PSX disc is 700MB.


>Linux requires internet because I'm a mentally challenged little fuck who doesn't know how to read the fucking manual about offline updates, or something

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