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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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My wife Libbie who I love so much.
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>You Will Never Be A Real Mas-AAAACK


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>she is real to me


You do NOT have 65 libbies


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i have 178 libbies

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what is point of changing /tech/ to /sci/ if all the posts are gonna be about tech shit anyway?

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What do you know about COBOL
What are your thoughts on COBOL
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Its even object oriented now


and thats how you know its dogwater


same with fortran90


>What do you know about COBOL
i know its very used in the banking sector to this day since they understandably dont want to migrate decades worth of work, but not much besides that

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just realised the answer is actually 24 because the RHS becomes 0-1(-1(24)) and not 0-1(24)


i use this all the time in my daily life


I hate integrating by parts


It's actually kind of elegant.

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'jakkers my computers internal speaker wont connect to my computer how fix


hit it with a hammer


uninstall kikewire or pulseaudio, and go back to alsa
did it work before?
what was the last thing you did before it broke, did you do updates or some shit?
do you use a meme OS like debian or anything debian based?
then go install gentoo.



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stop using this slow piece of shit you fucking cocksucking fucking faggots, literally every single program i try to run written in this shit language is a laggy bloated piece of fucking ass shit, need a scripting language for addons? use fucking LUA you fucking COCK SUCKING HOMO NIGGER FAGGOTS

and yes everyone that uses this piece of shit is a fucking tranny too stupid and lazy to use something competent like C, need a fucking scripting language for addons? USE FUCKING LUA you COCKSUCKING TRANNY FAGGOT

pic nigger.png related, the fucking nerve of pyniggers calling their shit fast, everyone that uses python is a tranny faggot because trannies hate having standards because they're commie faggots that want everyone to stay in the crab bucket and be shit just like them
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>pytroon doesn't even work WITH an operating system, and you're telling me it works without one?
>x86 assembly
eax cuck gets fucked by rax CHADS
don't even get me started on push dICKword
>literally every program that actually matters is written in C.
>even doe emacs is written in lisp


>emacs is written in lisp
Self own emacs is a pure C core with lisp extensions.


why does garbage software always get combined into something even more shit?
KEEEEK this is the average pytroon users knowledge about computers
name one program that isnt just an emacs extension, matters, and is written in lisp.


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>KEEEEK this is the average pytroon users knowledge about computers
>name one program that isnt just an emacs extension, matters, and is written in lisp.
symbolics lisp machines
who cares, the would have been so much better if unixtroons didn't win, rob pike is literally a Mac User now


C++GODs mog PyCucks

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I can't fuckin stand that parabola linux attention whore costantly avatar fagging both on /soy/ and /tech/
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>gets triggered by the most easily triggered freetard in the world
lol lmao even


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>don't avatarfag please it's cancer :D
sure thing sooty soot, not going to neofetch next time.
(also it is funny that I am the only one using dragonfly on this board)
think of a better 3 letter name, the word "BSD" sucks as it can't be spelled, the dragonfly mascot "fred" consists of 4 letters which disqualifies it as a hostname.
from jehanneOS, an operating system which is trying to make plan9 compile with gcc in order to honor Richard Stallman and the GNU project
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BSD is a cuck operating system


Apparently she is a 12 years old girl (probably larp)


Of course it's a larp you retard

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>Installing Arch felt like playing Dark Souls, when I got an error the USB would lose connection with my hard drive and I'd have to reboot and try again, like I was spawning at a bonfire and facing the same enemies to the point I could eventually speedrun them
>At some reboots it saved some partition settings so I unlocked shortcuts, lol


where is this from, is this some new shit a mainstream jewtuber said when he was too retarded to run pacstrap on his broken usb line?


a /g/ thread


what should i expect from nig/g/ers

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>Installing Arch felt like playing Dark Souls, when I got an error the USB would lose connection with my hard drive and I'd have to reboot and try again, like I was spawning at a bonfire and facing the same enemies to the point I could eventually speedrun them
>At some reboots it saved some partition settings so I unlocked shortcuts, lol


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>oh my science this is just like my heckin vidyaerino!!


I didnt see this post until after i made mine i have to kms now


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