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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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My wife Libbie who I love so much.


erm chuddie this is not /g/


blacked.com slave


marge who is this


i like her design


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>marge who is this
She was supposed to be the mascot of application known as Libre Office but was cockblocked by a toucan scribble, LMAO. People have been seething over it ever since.


What the fuck is that...


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I transheart free software mascots


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Here's your Loonix mascot lad.


did you drawed it by hand or you used a from .png to tos sprite?


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Furfags btfo, but why does everything need a shitty mascot for retards to recognize it by


Pajeets WON!


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OP, who are you


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why do shitty free software projects have such shitty furfag mascots?
i will keep using emacs.


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quirked up chudcel


why would the software even have icons? they are programs not toys, I will keep using ed.




Soydevs have got to have their merchandise to get shekels


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sudo has a sexist icon
(telling a woman "sudo make me a sandwich" when she doesn't listen to you)


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fact check: false


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Oh my science she's cute!


You Will Never Be A Real Mascot


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>You Will Never Be A Real Mascot
Well fuck


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>You Will Never Be A Real Mas-AAAACK


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>she is real to me


You do NOT have 65 libbies


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File: 1690410491815-3.png (270.42 KB, 1260x1260, Libbie 91.png)ImgOps

i have 178 libbies

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