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soyjaks in newpipe thumbnails. I'm going to sleep, no tech support


does it have adblock and sponsorblock


adblock yes, sponsorblock no

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complete and utter marge

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Why the fuck did this botnet bullshit stop working?


works on my machine


i think because it's a botnet


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>qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()


choose one


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really gemmy gif


install gentoo chud


i put fedora on my old 2010 laptop and it works fine

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why is it so superior?






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>he doesn't believe in iAPX 432 kabbalah


>Intel thought this was a good idea

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FUCK these heavy, ugly pieces of shit and the autists who are retardedly contrarian enough to actually use them. Just sent 10 of those fuckers to the landfill today. Seethe you autistic losers. They are all getting smashed and smelted by a bunch of niggers. I even scratched up the screens to reserve them for the black man so you cucks can't go dumpster diving either.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


bump total crt death


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look, the flatscreen toddlers who are too poor to buy a proper CRT are angry about their motion blur, how funny and pathetic!


OP you posted this a month ago as a reply


the gem that destroyed crtspicks


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Do Wintoddlers really?
13 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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GNU just updates in the background whenever you want it to, there is no need to reboot, my computer runs for almost 2 months now, i have updooted it over 20 times without rebooting and everything works perfectly fine, even if i wanted to reboot for a kernel update it would only take 10 seconds and not 2 hours like on winkike.
>needing an "anti"virus that scans all your files
the best antivirus is a brain
a brain helps you to not install malicious proprietary auto-updating malware like microsoft windows or some proprietary malware, if you use proprietary software then congratulations, you are officially braindead.


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>using linux
>doesnt know about the MXMF module
GEEEEEEEEEEEEG xhe doesn't know, enjoy your backdoor


what is the MXMF module?


GNU doesn't include a package manager unless you are talking about Guix.

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why is it so superior?


because it just is

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Is it worth keeping any sort of large-scale digital archive at all? As in archiving entire YouTube channels in case they get randomly purged?


do it
there are so many gemmy youtube channels now gone forever just like that

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I say this


that's racist

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