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Real or fake?
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magic rock will make everything cheaper and better or something


this but unironically
imagine LK99-junction transistors


98% certain it's just a dipole, i.e. a nothingburger.
The video the use as demonstration (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtVjGWpbE7k) can easily be explained by Lenz's law. Furthermore there seems to be infighting within the research group subtracting from credibility.
But so far it's still speculation until some of the other labs replicate the experiments. (We should see the first wave of paper within a week or two).

Even if it were real, while it would be huge, it's still not as big a game changer as people make it out to be since it's supposedly a ceramic.


>can easily be explained by Lenz's law
Maybe I should add that in the video (it is also written somewhere) the material is mounted on a copperplate.


whoops i mean diamagnet

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i got a fujitsu-siemens amilo pi 1505 for free

512mb ram
60gb hard drive
intel centrino T2050 1.60GHz

it even came with windows 7 with heckin' superantispyware and files already on it
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>also kys vinluv
Meds NOW.


gentoo grooming thread, even wincucks dont groom people like this


> vinluv
does he even browse this site anymore



if you want something that works and is lightweight then install antix

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New spyware


>Auto update is… le spyware


Any chromium based browser is automatically spyware

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yo chuds can u give me a good free alternative to search.illicit.services, i got a spaniard nigger calling my mother and i wanna get her location

thanks in advance


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do it yourself selfish fuck

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info thread. we post info like good software or something idk
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Vouch, scrcpy is gemmy







oops meant to write flatpak instead sorry

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There is a genuine chance the Jesus could have been part European if you look at it from a non Christian Lense, when Mary got pregnant the area was actively have Roman soldiers cracking down on the area, Mary could have been impregnated by an Italian solider
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So he was the first proto-mutt?


Who gives a single fuck retarded christcucks go seethe on twitter and rape children or something idk


what about all the "impregnated by god" thing? wasn't mary suppose to be a virgin and her husband yosef a theo-cuck?


>accoring to modern mainstream media
very little modern mainstream media portrays Jesus as black
>but but muh /pol/ infographic found like 3 examples of where they do, including one tiktok from a 14yo girl


>very little modern mainstream media portrays Jesus as black
sure, but you always find some "we wuz kangs" syaing Jesus was black.

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Which way, whiteman?
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Built for TCC (Tiny C Cock)




I thought it was a don turtelli


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torrent bread
post torrent websits torrent stuff idk


nyaa.si guess download 'warez from trusted user thoughtbait


1337. to probably the best moderated one, but i wouldn't trust some posters like igg games

cs. rin. ru for new games

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How do I write safe C?
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gcc -Wall
fix your shit if it warns you


you write C# instead


Don't be retarded

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