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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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i got a fujitsu-siemens amilo pi 1505 for free

512mb ram
60gb hard drive
intel centrino T2050 1.60GHz

it even came with windows 7 with heckin' superantispyware and files already on it


please post what should i do with it

like what distro




do you want to use it as a desktop or as a server?
if desktop anything LXDE/XFCE
if server ubuntu server or debian should run fine on it i think


im just gonna have fun with it


maybe something exotic like slackware or plan9 or some shit


im installing gentoo right now on it

btw im on my other laptop


almost done with installing gentoo soyteens then im going to sleep or however the kernel compiles


i was sleeping and btw i finished it now im going to install xorg


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in a few hours i will


literal e-waste
install wayland instead, X is deprecated and will be removed from the Linux kernel soon


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>removed from the Linux kernel
Marge, it's part of the kernel?


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>X is deprecated and will be removed from the kernel soon


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Im compiling Xorg


wow literal trash


urmm its not chud


winfag cant use a terminal
update us OP


i will compile tommorow i controlled c'ed out of it as llvm will take forever i might setup distcc maybe


im back compiling xorg again and forgot to setup distcc


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hi 'teens this is an update im too lazy to wait for gentoo to compile so im installing debian instead


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Debaryan win



install arch then. faster than debian, and package manager 10x better espically on low end hardware (you can just use the command archinstall to quick set up arch(use i3/xfce as the gui(works the best on low end hardware))). if you still cant run arch the use lubuntu.


also make sure to make a SWAP partition as you barely have any ram


how is arch faster than debian


arch is a bit less bloated so it will run faster generally and the package manager is just better and it has the AUR. heres a 'tube video to explain to a debian user, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyjJ_DLreUA


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Im back debian is running nicely
firefox runs like shit but qutebrowser is a bit faster


the package manager has nothing to do with performance
also kys vinluv


reading comprehension fail
he said that arch is faster because it's less bloated
and after that he mentioned that it's package manager is better and has access to the aur


show me the supposed 'bloat' that makes debian slower
>muh aur
worst shit ever invented. if its worth installing it should be in the package repos


>also kys vinluv
Meds NOW.


gentoo grooming thread, even wincucks dont groom people like this


> vinluv
does he even browse this site anymore



if you want something that works and is lightweight then install antix

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