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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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Real or fake?


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4chan jannies banned me for making meme rock thread.




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we are so back…


if real then huge W for humanity
if fake then its just a fail and a nothingburger at the end of the day


I certainly hope it's real, but likely it's just hype and nothing will come out of it


magic rock will make everything cheaper and better or something


this but unironically
imagine LK99-junction transistors


98% certain it's just a dipole, i.e. a nothingburger.
The video the use as demonstration (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtVjGWpbE7k) can easily be explained by Lenz's law. Furthermore there seems to be infighting within the research group subtracting from credibility.
But so far it's still speculation until some of the other labs replicate the experiments. (We should see the first wave of paper within a week or two).

Even if it were real, while it would be huge, it's still not as big a game changer as people make it out to be since it's supposedly a ceramic.


>can easily be explained by Lenz's law
Maybe I should add that in the video (it is also written somewhere) the material is mounted on a copperplate.


whoops i mean diamagnet

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