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What distro should all babies use ?
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>we must groom young children from infancy on how to recompile the linux kernel or however the sunlight is avoided




this is the right answer


Make him read the wiki


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https://www.3dgifmaker.com/ — Simple but varied moving 2D/3D shapes
https://poyopoyo.gifanimaker.com/ — Silly bouncing animations
https://dominik.ws/art/movingdots/ — Makes your image into a bunch of moving dots (due to a bug, the GIF thumbnail looks even gemmier when posted here)
https://photomosh.com/ — Glitchy animated effects that can be mixed
https://makesweet.com/ — 3D CGI animations
https://pixiz.com/ — 2D animations
https://picmix.com/maker/app — Stickers to put on your image for the 2000's MySpace feel
https://github.com/Akascape/Ascify-Art — ASCII art generator
http://www.malinc.se/m/ImageFractals.php — Fractal generator
http://www.malinc.se/m/ImageTiling.php — Hyperbolic tiling generator, similar to above
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>gnuschizo woke up




tsmt pin this


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what a gem

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geg it's over for twitter


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>replacing a brand name worth millions of dollars for no reason
Why did xelon xusk do this

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>In September 2006, Stallman wrote, “I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily [sic] pedophilia harms children
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hes right though


he is not a jew tho


>Early life. Stallman was born March 16, 1953, in New York City, to a family of Jewish heritage.


he's a leftist jew that got cancelled by other leftists that believe in the same thing as him

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Getting rid of my smartphone solved my internet addiction problem. I just use a dumbphone now instead.
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sadly all the muttland carriers shut off their 2g networks so the only "dumbphones" that work here are pozzed kaios phones full of jewgle apps


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>remember - anything with an active gps, a microphone you do not manually take out after each use, and a camera of the same, is being tracked by the NSA.
Ummmm just remove the battery or something when your not using it? I'm sure he can do that with an older Nokia like that.


>someone calls you
>battery is removed
What now?


What phone are you using


What phone is this op?

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what the fuck is google meet? why cantt schools just stick to using zoom?


because zoom is proprietary, why cant they just stick to self hosting jitsi or using mumble?


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why cant schools just stick to using vrchat and make all the teachers big booty femboy furry avatars? is the maerican education system fucking stupid?


Back in my day it was called google hangouts

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grr youre not science ababa

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wake me up when he actually made it


He's just barely starting


this is really cool, i hope it goes well

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>literally invents linux
>fanboys windows only
What the fuck is he smoking??


This thread has been moved to >>>/g/94913786




stallman hates windows doe

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You WILL upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 11
You WILL live in a pod
You WILL eat the bugs
And you WILL be happy
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>No im not gonna use a software made by t4annies
then plan9 is for you
you WILL use the white man OS, and you WILL be happy
if you want to use a fork then use 9legacy, don't get near 9front as they are openbsd faggots


Win7 sisters, i want to use the nightly version of PCSX2 because Gran Turismo runs so much better but it asks for Windows 10 dll's, is it over for a Windows 7 chud like me?


I'm afraid all that's left for you is to delete system32 then turn yourself into a wojak.


>outdated libs
>he cant update
enjoy your defective software


I might go with ghost spectre anyway, i just love windows 7

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