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holy fuck i'm fucking sick of these retard faggot on telegram



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a wise man once said
>"there are the people who hate mac but they really hate windows, and there are people who hate windows but really really hate mac"
which one are you
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>Why does anybody take this guy seriously, again?
I mean, you could always just read the comments on his odysee videos and see what kind of spineless wet towel personalities listen to him.


Why is there so much pro Christian grifting these days? If people were genuine about giving others noble lies to believe in they could at least be convincing about it instead of being some shitty counter protest against leftism. No different than New Atheism reacting to the Zionist "Christianity" of the Bush Era.


i'd still use windows over mac but linux is better for programming


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Only for some forms of programming.


half cucks half based chuddies?

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Linuxtroons and macfags will be seething and coping forever because their gay unix OS are more bloated, useless, and ramhungry than fucking Windows XP
Picrel its iso comes out to less than 100 MB.
And it came out in like 2009.
And it was actually useful back then since it could still run almost all win32 software.
You could put this on a ramdisk vm and it felt like fucking magic.
Freetards have no clue what lightweight really means. They've been completely and utterly btfo, there is no recovery from this.
Looking forward to reading all your cope doe!
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>deprecated os


2012 R2 was the GOAT and it's STILL suported


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>not supported anymore
how more deprecated can it get?


>My OS isn't deprecated it's just filled with security vulnerabilities and nobody uses it because it sucks


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>security vulnerabilities... LE BAD!

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does he give a single shit about opsec or is he simply a free software cultist?
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what do you mean by this


he has to care about opsec because he's storing 25 petabytes of 'p


>’p is bad because of da JOOOOZ


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Retvrn white man


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>i don't hide the fact that i have 'p though

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how the FUCK do you stop desktop windows manager using 80% of your gpu and the fix isnt update drivers or disable gpu planning, im one unplayable game away from trooning out to linux because of this
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disabling your compositor on GNU is as easy as not installing one, or if you use a shitty DE it has an option for it in the settings, or a default keybind.
for kde it was shift alt F12 i believe.


if you want to tinkertranny around only the slightest tiny bit, you're gonna need a functional and modular operating system, if you like it or not.
winkike was not made to be tinkered around with, it's a binary operating system and it is how it is, you're not allowed to change it, and trying to do so anyway will be a pain in the ass, and leave you with a half broken system.
(so don't do it, if you want to fuck around, use an operating system designed for it.)


>nouveau works perfectly fine
biggest fucking lie ever told


GNU does not have a windowing server, compositor, or window manager. Did you mean Linux?


Linux still does not have a group policy equivalent.

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What would you recommend in regards to privacy and security? Softwares, behaviors, threat models, other schizo factors - you can go on about in this thread. Maybe go on rant about how the de/g/enerates are retarded in regards to opsec and then blaming "da jooooos" for their shitty internet usage


Kill yourself obsessed Twitter


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why yes, i blame the jews for putting intel ME backdoors into modern computers and preventing me from buying anything made after 2008


I don't care because I don't know what you're actually trying for

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I'm thinking about donating to archive.today, couse I like it more than archive.org and I wouldn't like it to go away
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you shouldnt
archive sites are bad for the internet
yeah they're comfy sometimes but that's the thing with all datamining kikery, you have to give up comfort to have less datamining


what the fuck are you talking about


you know what im talking about retard


how are archive sites datamining


how are they not, are you stupid?
if they succeed a lot of things that could have just be gone will keep existing forever
obviously among these things there is informative and valuable content but also tons of datamining

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>we gotta libreboot the shitpad 6 billion with notafed privacy os so our breathing patterns dont get monitored or something
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Interesting. Do you use virtualization on your 4gb ram x200?


and yes, i run TempleOS in a VM if i want to fuck around without getting up to grab my dedicated TempleOS T60
i also fuck around with BSD VMs sometimes to play around with them and figure out BSD fag mental illness


On the thinkwiki it says x200 doesn't officially support 8gb ram. How did you do it?


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"officially", the proprietary bios might cry about it if its outdated
the latest proprietary bios will probably work (but i didn't test that), and coreboot will work fine as well
8 gigs will work fine as long as you have 2 identical sticks (2 different ones might work but don't count on it, 'identical' means same speed and size btw, not brand), they work as PC3-8500, and are 2Rx8. GM45 has 4 ranks total, 2 per physical DIMM slot, which means it has 2x2 ranks. each rank takes 2 gigs max. so 8 will work as long as you have 2Rx8 DIMMs.


keyed (use netsurf touhie)

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We have to go back. Modern GUI is a disgrace.
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its ok that i gained 300 pounds this year because i upgraded from a twin mattress to a king size


no, i dont see why I should


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I say this.


necro bump on the 'log


It can be simple and easy and look pretty.

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are the "tor" browsers on mobile stores fake usually?


they do work on tor but i wouldn't use them for illegal shit


what the fuck are you even talking about


I don't know, just use the official one.


orbot and official one are legitimate

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