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/tech/ - Technology

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Linuxtroons and macfags will be seething and coping forever because their gay unix OS are more bloated, useless, and ramhungry than fucking Windows XP
Picrel its iso comes out to less than 100 MB.
And it came out in like 2009.
And it was actually useful back then since it could still run almost all win32 software.
You could put this on a ramdisk vm and it felt like fucking magic.
Freetards have no clue what lightweight really means. They've been completely and utterly btfo, there is no recovery from this.
Looking forward to reading all your cope doe!


Fact checked true by real Redmond patriots.


the gem that fully and completely BTFO unixtrannies forever


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>unixtrannies so BTFO by windowsboreans that they have to spam niggers covered in shit


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theres multiple linux distros you can run at under 100mb and they run new programs


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>>unixtrannies so BTFO by windowsboreans that they have to spam niggers covered in shit


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>Linuxtroons and macfags will be seething and coping forever because their gay unix OS are more bloated, useless, and ramhungry than fucking Windows XP
>Picrel its iso comes out to less than 100 MB.
>And it came out in like 2009.
>And it was actually useful back then since it could still run almost all win32 software.
>You could put this on a ramdisk vm and it felt like fucking magic.
>Freetards have no clue what lightweight really means. They've been completely and utterly btfo, there is no recovery from this.
>Looking forward to reading all your cope doe!


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>>>6174 (OP)
>the gem that fully and completely BTFO unixtrannies forever


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>Fact checked true by real Redmond patriots.


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tsmt, completely mindbroken


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poo hands typed these posts


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poojeet hours
poojeet threads


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poojeet hours
poojeet threads


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poojeet hours
poojeet threads


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poojeet hours
poojeet threads


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poojeet hours
poojeet threads


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poojeet hours
poojeet threads


so its da poos not da joos now?


talk to me again when you can run a tty instead of a GUI desktop on your monitor and have a daemon manager.


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>freetard get BTFO
>freetard ragespams thread with poo nonsense
>obsessed freetard makes new threads to hide the threads that btfo him
tale old as time. literal trannies of computing.



sir pleas redeem Microsoft gift cart or googl play store


Winchads won


windowsboreans won


kek freetards aren't gonna be happy about this one


>quad sixes

Recurring 6 is a bad omen though

GNU/Aryan victory


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keep coping freetard


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>keep coping freetard even doe every post any of us microsoys make is just coping about the fact that every key we press and file we download goes directly to China and Israel



Hello Bill Gates


at least System V and BSD isn't a shitpile of nigger rigs that break down when you decide explorer.exe sucks, and that 100MB ISO becomes 100GB once all your winshit 8 bit boilerplate 'programs' you need to make this garbage usable is installed, meanwhile OpenIndiana (Illumos, System V) provides a totally usable system on your laptop you used to type this in 2.7 gigs, and it even has motherfucking novideo support, which isn't on a winshit ISO, cope and seethe CP/M knockoff
oh and Unix runs well on platforms that aren't IMEniggerZ80
wintroon BTFO


can it run adobe or msoffice?


>>6740 like motherfucker you have shims for fucking lego island built into your kernel in windows 11, windows environments are a clusterfuck


>backwards compatibility... Le bad.


I'd like to see you run Flame or Blender at a reasonable speed on your niggershit POSready 2009 install cause POS means piece of shit not point of sale
oh and Darwin-Cocoa (macOS) can run those, so can WINE for Linux, BSD, maybe even System V
oh and Adobe is unstable shitware, and Office is hell to deal with
Can you run Final Cut Pro?


Windumbniggers get out, there's a reason everyone standardized on Unix, not Win32


Have you heard of making your programs work? Or making those shims modules you install? No, you haven't, cause Windows is a clusterfuck of unmodifiable bullshit you can't change without bricking your computer


PS: Your fucking network stack is niggered Berkeley code, moron.


kys obsessed namefag


go 41% vaxfag


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windows fans picrel


the freetard seethe is so beautiful


Minimalism is a meme unless you have less than 4gb in your computer. You can't run shit on XP.


Even when trying so hard you still have a bloated pc you nigger

Why would you have midori AND firefox you selfish little fuck


usually when you need to declare something won, it didn't


To test a webpage you're writing on multiple browsers to make sure some selfish little fuck retard browser doesn't mong it up


Tsmt. To make matters worse, XP will instantly ass blasted the moment it connects to a Wide Area Network.


LMAO keep seething and coping but there is still nobody serious who wants to use TROONIX


even though it didn't



How is it cope stating facts about XP's vulnerabilities? I think everyone in the world would settle for XP if it wasn't so insecure.


install SP3


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epic fail stupid shinji


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BSD and System V doe


>than fucking Windows XP
which has no features. god you people are retarded.


GOOD. i'll choose my own software thank you very much. all i want is a text editor, terminal, a file manager, and the control panel - everything else should be optional. everything else WAS optional until windows 8 and 10. now you've got governments and companies using custom windows distributions of dubious origin to get away from the bullshit microsoft shoved into the OS. how'd you like to be a soldier in the field and have to put up with cortana and candy crush commercials on your laptop or PDA while you're being shelled?


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>doesnt notice windows 8 was lighter than 7
>doesnt just pirate enterprise edition
>too retarded to click 5 settings in gpedit
>seethes and copes over the shortcuts they were too retarded to disable


i've always modifed my group policy settings. i even used to modify my context menu options in the registry. i did that, and everything else you said in 10, and still found it to be a disgusting experience. they set a bad precedent and betrayed my trust. if i have to spend days hacking my OS, editing the registry, and installing patches every fresh install to get things the way i want, then why would i not just install linux at that point? what difference does it make?


But because it isn't FREE SOFTWARE, now you can't really use it anymore. If it was FOSS, people would be able to continue it.


KernelEx exists


never used it
is it actually good? like can i run modern browsers and gaymes and shit?


Well, it's for 2000 because 2000 attracts more autists than XP. You can get Office 2007 to run on 2000 by patching the kernel: https://w2k.phreaknet.org/guide


>best windows release is a deprecated os from one billion years ago


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>deprecated os


2012 R2 was the GOAT and it's STILL suported


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>not supported anymore
how more deprecated can it get?


>My OS isn't deprecated it's just filled with security vulnerabilities and nobody uses it because it sucks


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>security vulnerabilities... LE BAD!

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