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>not using linux-libre, hurd, or a deblobbed fork of openBSD's kernel


bumping this gem


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>>not using linux-libre, hurd, or a deblobbed fork of openBSD's kernel

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<why yes I do write my own IA-32 operating systems in assembly on a M1 MacBook Air in VSCode; how could you tell?
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Terry didn't understand how to use segmentation or paging.


holy c didnt need it




who are you quoting


the text is orange not green
It would have benefitted from it as TempleOS's memory fragments faster than a iMac running OS 8.

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>the telemetry was added to the os in order to protect us from cyber terrorists like the patriot act or something like that
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oh noes what will they do with the fact that I am using a Lenovo shittop with 8 megashits of ram running at 3 gigafarts.


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total 7igger death


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>we should give microsoft our data so that they can fix us some bugs for us to eat or however the start menu is pressed


I say this and look like this


who are you quoting doe

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>export CC="tcc -std=c99"


congrats on your structs not packing






i transheart necrobumping and clang


CHUDDYheart however

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>Do real life
>everything owned by same five companies
>do internet
>everything owned by same five companies
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yeah that's me


I will kill you tranny


yes :3
not me albeit
come and try :)



>you wouldn't want to be using "troon" CPUs, would you?
unironically yes

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Free software is such a joke.




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>4chan screenshot


troonix luser cope


>>>8774 (You)
i use windows faggot

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/tech/ demo of the game i'm working on
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>all i did was change the font to comic sans and get rid of garbage like i3's axewounds and borders around the monitor border, and trash in i3status i dont need to save space
where is the 'rice'?


it's a video game, not a desktop replacement




>just use X11, xrender
that is ropefuel
>or openGL
>spend a few hours writing a worse version of SDL's renderer


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lots of changes
it now has a proper taskbar and a wip start menu, the clock on the taskbar is just a placeholder but will be a key gameplay element once implemented
the "browser" window now opens maximised
the simulated sharty now has a theme selector, proper threads and a few other new ui elements (said ui elements are a pretty big clue to what the game is about)

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are you a 60 Hz DEITY or a 50 Hz faggot?
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this image confuses europeans


We do have induction kettles here thoughie


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He's under the impression that Americans don't have 240v outlets, even though we do.


you have like 1 per house lmao


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The house receives 240v split phase from the street which is split to 120v. Low power devices can be run at 120v 10a while high power devices can run at 240v 50a. The efficiency loss due to running at a lower voltage inside the home is near zero. You can easily wire another 240v outlet if you need one. Compare to the dumbass britbong system where they didn't have circuit breakers or fuse boxes for the house and are stuck putting fuses in individual plugs and using fuse wire (picrel) which is the stupidest thing ever invented because someone is just going to replace it with regular wire instead of fuse wire and start an electrical fire.

Europlug only runs at 250v 2.5a or 625w max. Standard NEMA takes 120v 15a or 1.8kw.

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>At the tone 3 hours 57 minutes Coordinated universal time
>At the tone 3 hours 58 minutes Coordinated universal time
>At the tone 3 hours 59 minutes Coordinated universal time
>At the tone 4 hours 0 minutes Coordinated universal time
>National Institute of Standards and Technology time. This is radio station WWV, Fort Colins, CO. Broadcasting on internationally allocated standard carrier frequencies of 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz. Providing time of day, standard time interval, and other related information. Inquires regarding these transmissions can be directed to NIST, WWV, 2000 E Co Rd 58, Fort Collins, CO 80524.
>At the tone 4 hours 1 minute Coordinated universal time
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NIST technicians do NOT look like that...


Oddly synchronistic. Yesterday, I wanted to listen to WWV with my cheap shortwave radio. Rather disappointing results, weak signal.


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>Yesterday, I wanted to listen to WWV with my cheap shortwave radio.


>At the tone, Shut the hours, fuck up minutes, bitchville standard time

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ITT: We post commands to make your Linux run faster

>cat /dev/zero > /boot/grub/grub.cfg

This one makes your linux boot faster by optimizing grub.cfg
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>using EFI
imagine not using coreboot+grub


Command to optimize the linux distro by debloating partitions
>dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4M


i use syslinux


sudo rm -rf /sys/firmware/efi/efivars


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>can't run the fart bios

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