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>linux gnu le good even though you can't play league of legends with it
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ew, valve


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>you can't be a loonixkang unless you dedicate your life to hating fun and having a stick up your ass 24/7


Libraries =/= Operating System
Application Software =/= Operating System
Your OS will not exist after you remove the kernel. Just because there is no dependency chain set up for the kernel doesn't mean that everything doesnt depend on it.


>and having a stick up your ass 24/7
especially that part


that's merely another reason to use it

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what torrent site do I use instead of RARBG


rutracker, 1337x


theres still rarbg mirrors that are up

but you can look up torrents on multiple search engines at once using this


i've been using thepiratebay+1337x ever since torrentz went down like 10 years ago and i've always been able to find anything i needed honestly


Your search engine wont be up for long, my dox is almost complete


even doe its decentralized and federated

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>ADB server didn't ACK
what did she mean by this?

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>Sent 10 of those fuckers to the landfill today.

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Why haven’t scientists focused research into genetic manipulation for the creation of more disease/parasitic resistant humans that can possibly be expanded on more? Is it because there would be no more stuff to sell if medicine becomes obsolete?


Because of niggers
I will elaborate in the next message


That sounds vague


Elaborating further.
If we try to make people immune by gene modifications, we would also be able to eradicate down's syndrome and other bad gene mutations. So who says we wouldn't start eradicating other shit genes, like autisms gene or manlet genes.
This is where slippery slope starts. Rich people would be in a position to modify their kids to be arian hyperchads einsteins. And since most of rich people are white, this would make nigger babies unwanted and we will use them as biofuel, which is BAD, OKAY?



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What the hell is a "CRT"? Nevermind. I don't care. Lunch money, now!


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monitors non-nerds use because they look better


more like HRT


/jock/ cant come soon enough

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TechGODs please help a yung retard out, I'm doxxing and have never done so before
I have the 2018 clubpenguin database leak which includes passwords stored as salted bcrypt hashes ($2y$05$)
From what I understand, I would need to run a password cracking tool in order to get the plaintext version of this pw, as hashing is a one-way process as oppposed to encryption
How would I go about this? Or am I better off just looking for their password via another means?
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well happy hacking 'een, good luck


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appreciated, thanks for the resources fellow chud


your best chance is finding rainbow tables online.
trying to generate a rainbow table by yourself is going to be useless since bcrypt is one of those modern hashing function that is designed to be computationally expensive even for GPUs.


salted passwords can get a bit tricky
but generally you either get a hash table and look the hashes source up, or manually hash a long list of potential passwords
hashcat or aircrack-ng can help you with this, but aircrack is focused on wifi script kiddo shit, even doe it can be used for other stuff as well
you cant do shit then, install a functional operating system if you want to do anything other than playing games and opening a web browser
you should do it anyway
how do wintroons even cope with faggot flags in task bars??
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hello gnuschizo

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special character test

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 12738[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

when was the last time you rebooted your computer, soyteens?
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first of all, here in germany you report your meter count yourself, and they check it every 10 years or so to ensure it adds up with what you reported,
second, our counters here are literally 50 years old, theyre mechanical squeaking boxes with cogs.


the cog i blocked spins around entirely in about an hour or so, i just had to glue it in place and tape it to the wall so it lifts the cog and allows the other one to rotate freely without actually flipping the numbers on the counter, i only do this for 3/4 of the year though because it would be suspicious if i suddenly consumed less electricity than normally
its in my basement albeit


Then take a picture of your power meter in your Boostedt basement.


now this is a schizophrenic gem


kek thats where the isp of my residential proxy is located, i live on the other side of the country
im NOT taking a picture of my power meter, glownigger

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I like using display port
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>crt :00
gnupedo what’s your favorite isa


True chads only use teletypewriters


x86_64 and MIPS, but only because MIPS64 assembly is gemmy, x86 assembly looks like cancer compared to it
i use a serial TTY on my server


GNUPedo what's your favorite x86 segment register?


my favouri-
*Segmentation fault (core dumped)*

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